Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 Days of Failure

Nancy Salvato, senior editor of the online political magazine The New Media Journal, does an excellent job of recapping the first 100 days of the failed Obama Administration.

From her post:
As President Obama ends his first 100 days in office, we are left with the images of his deep bow to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, his hearty handshake with Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan "strongman" President and his silence upon Daniel Ortega, the former Sandinista Nicaraguan President's diatribe about terroristic U.S. aggression, and the list goes on. The honeymoon is over. It is obvious that the man holding the highest office in the land is enacting a socialist agenda and will use any excuse to move his ideas forward. He has exhibited no real understanding or respect for the Constitution, the highest law of the land. Isn’t ironic that he deems himself a "Constitutional Scholar"?
Read the full column, "In Just 100 Days," at this link.