Thursday, September 15, 2022

Voter Fraud: The Bottom Line

Voter Fraud: The Bottom Line: As Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts notes in his introduction, the primary question addressed by Lucas’s book, The Myth of Voter Suppression. The Left's Assualt on Clean Elections is this: “[W]hy does the Democratic Party oppose free, fair, and credible elections?”  The short answer the author provides is that Democrats are much better at cheating and rigging elections than Republicans.  Tammany Hall, the Chicago Daley machine, and Missouri’s Pendergast organization provide three historical examples.  That’s not to say Republicans never engage in electoral shenanigans, of which cases Lucas provides several examples.  But it is Democrats who consistently oppose measures designed to increase election integrity -- measures that even a former Democratic president, Jimmy Carter, advocated in 2005 when serving on a bipartisan commission co-chaired by former GOP Secretary of State James Baker. 

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