Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Baghdad Bob Moment: MSNBC Claims DNC Chair 'Receives Cheers'...As She's Booed Relentlessly

Baghdad Bob Moment: MSNBC Claims DNC Chair 'Receives Cheers'...As She's Booed Relentlessly: They had a Baghdad Bob moment on MSNBC this morning in the 9am hour (Eastern time). The Lean Forward network's screen graphic read 'WASSERMAN SCHULTZ RECEIVES CHEERS AT FLORIDA DELEGATION BREAKFAST,' while it was very plain to viewers that she was being booed relentlessly. Anchor Stephanie Ruhle must have heard the boos in her earpiece, and said “She actually walked in to cheers and a lot of support from the crowd.” That's odd. All the audience saw and heard to match that graphic was booing and heckling.

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