Monday, November 14, 2011

Opinion: Major media bias, skewing are concern

This op-ed published in the West Chester Daily Local News hits the nail on the head when it comes to liberal media bias:
"Please be cognizant of this reality: that most of the news you will be hearing and reading about will be filtered through the lenses of a deeply entrenched liberal media, not in the least constrained by normal inhibitions, and if there's nothing especially negative to report, you can expect something to appear from thin air by Democratic operatives and hatchetmen like Axelrod or Plouffe or Debbie Wasserman-Shultz or Gloria Allred, e.g., that Romney has a mistress sequestered in South America or has a love child in Switzerland and NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, the N.Y. Times, the BBC, Time Magazine, etc., etc, all the major media outlets will go nuts (without the slightest vetting) -- you get the idea.
Read the full column at the link below:

Major media bias, skewing are concern -

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