Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Democratic Dictionary

Syndicated columnist Debra J. Saunders offers a handy guide to understanding Democratic Doublespeak in the Age of Obama.

From her latest column:
Doublespeak is alive as Democrats pull the strings in the White House and Congress 24 years after 1984. What do they mean when they engage in Democrat-speak?

I know I'm not worthy, but I've got an assignment, so I shall borrow a page from Ambrose Bierce, not with a Devil's Dictionary, but a Democrats' Dictionary. The easy part: There's no dif.
Here are some examples Saunders has uncovered:

Academic freedom: Full license to espouse liberal thought to unformed minds.

Bailout: Billions upon billions -- trillions really -- of government aid doled out to financial institutions to remind voters of the need for strong regulation.

Bipartisanship: 40 Republicans and 60 Democrats.

Clean coal: What Santa Claus puts in Democrats' stockings so they don't have to admit that their global-warming agenda is anti-coal.

CNN: Unbiased news network whose reporters battle "right-wing" media.

Overspending before 2009, or spending practices that President Obama inherited. For current usage, see: Investment.

Extremists: Abortion opponents.

Read the full column, "The Democrats' Dictionary," at RealClearPolitics.com

Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS