Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dems ruin it for 'classical liberals'

John Stossel, the co-host of ABC's "20/20" and a newspaper columnist, considers himself a "classical liberal."

Unfortunately, far-left Democrats have usurped the liberal political philosophy and mangled into something unrecognizable to "classical liberals" like Stossel.

"Liberals don't want you to have the choice of owning a handgun, a big car or keeping your own money so you can use it as you see fit," Stossel writes. "Liberals want to restrict our choices."

Things are going to get a lot worse now that the far left controls both the White House and Congress.

Stossel writes:
Liberal senators like Dick Durbin, John Kerry and Charles Schumer want speech limited further by the "fairness doctrine." Fairness here means depriving people of the choice of all-conservative radio.

And what's more liberal than voluntary exchange between consenting adults? Free trade lets everyone in the world find the best buys, no matter where they are. It gives us more things for less money. Even Paul Krugman supports free trade. But liberals don't want to allow buyers and sellers to make their own choices. Liberals want trade curtailed.
Stossel's definition of a classical liberal: "I believe people should have the freedom to do anything that is peaceful. That's truly liberal. I want the word back."

Read the full column, "Choice from the liberal side of life," here.

Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS