Saturday, September 27, 2008

Columnist: A disturbing look at Obama

Dimitri Vassilaros, writing in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, has found a Web site that documents Barack Obama's radical past.

It's the most comprehensive collection of historical information about Obama's ties with far left extremists such as domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and fellow radical Bernardine Dohrn.

The man behind the Web site is David Horowitz, a one-time liberal activist who saw the light.

From Vassilaros' column:
These revelations about Obama's truly radical past and attempts to minimize his relationships with some very bad characters like Ayers and Dohrn are just a tip of a titanic iceberg.

Go to the site and judge for yourself. Don't be dissuaded by Obama apologists claiming its nothing more than guilt by association.

Given his close associates, Obama's guilty as sin.

Read the full column at the newspaper's Web site.

Find out more about Obama's past at