Monday, June 11, 2007

Casey Roncaglione: New Taxpayer Revolt - PAY IT BACK

A new taxpayer group, PAY IT BACK, is calling on all legislators who spent tax payer money to air Public Service Announcements to repay the treasury out of their own campaign funds.

The wasteful spending on Public Service announcements is more of the same for our Legislature, talking publicly about restraining taxes while spending millions for their own personal use while keeping the public in the dark.

Our organization is spearheading the drive and it has all the earmarks of the 2005 late night pay raise. As Representative Greg Vitali said, "Public service announcements are primarily a device for legislators to promote their own name recognition. You see them being used primarily by legislators in contested seats."

Contact your legislator and let them know how you feel. You can join our group be e-mailing me at and I'll keep you informed of our progress. Check out the Pay It Back site, it's just the start.

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