Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ed Rendell appoints himself to stimulus oversight board

Let me get this straight. Gov. Ed Rendell has created the Pennsylvania Stimulus Oversight Commission and appointed himself to the commission to "ensure that federal stimulus dollars are spent wisely, transparently and in a manner that ensures accountability." Gimme a break!

It's like the fox guarding the chicken coop.

Trust Ed Rendell to make sure tax dollars are spent wisely? This is the man who has increased state spending by spent $8 billion in the past six years and has left the state with a $2.3 billion deficit.

Transparency? Rendell has awarded more than $1 billion in no-bid contracts to political cronies since taking over as governor.

Accountability? I'm still waiting for that "substantial" property tax Rendell promised.

With Rendell watching over the "stimulus" money, we might as well dig a hole and bury the Obama dollars.

Pennsylvania Governor Rendell Creates Stimulus Oversight Commission

Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS