Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Good stuff at other blogs

TAXPAYER PROTECTION says Pennsylvania will do deeper into debt under the 2008-09 budget Rendell and the Legislature agreed to on Monday.

POWERBLOG! examines the "The Fading Science of Global Warming"

NOBODY ASKED ME, BUT... says liberals are attempting to shut down conservative blogs by filing bogus complaints with Blogger.

IS THIS LIFE? comes to the same conclusion, saying anti-Obama sites are being targeted by liberals who want to annoint their man as the next president.
And speaking of sneaky liberals, TONY PHYRILLAS looks at how the "Fairness Doctrine" is nothing more than an attempt by the far left to use the government to stifle alternative viewpoints.

TONY PHYRILLAS also looks at the power Anthony Kennedy has on the divided Supreme Court.

LINCOLN BLOG says we don't know enough about the secret negotiations on the new state budget to see how much it's going to cost us.