The election will fill the vacant Senate seat previously held by Sen. Robert Wonderling, who recently resigned to serve as the president and CEO of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.
Mensch, serving his second term in the state House, has been an ally of the business community and a strong advocate for policies that will foster job creation and economic growth, according to the Chamber.
"He brings a valuable insight to the legislature with his experience as a business professional," said TriCounty Area Chamber President P. Timothy Phelps.
Mensch was named the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce's Legislator of the Year in 2008 for his impact on the region as well as his 100 percent voting record on business issues supported by the Chamber.
More from the Chamber's endorsement:
Mensch continues to support key chamber initiatives, and he is an advocate for tri-county's regionalization efforts. His pro-business stances include investment in improved transportation infrastructure, business tax structure reform, health care reform, and tort reform. Also, as a member of the House Republican Policy Committee Task Force on Budget and Economic Policy, Mensch has remained strongly opposed to Governor Ed Rendell's proposal to increase taxes to offset proposed state spending increases.This is the second major endorsement Mensch has picked up from the business community. Mensch is also supported by ChamberPAC, the political arm of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry.
Having worked his way through the ranks at AT&T for 28 years, he truly understands the needs of the business community. The Chamber believes that Representative Bob Mensch's dedicated leadership, combined with his community, charity, corporate, and political experiences, provides the mix needed for the success of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Mensch is also endorsed by the Pennsylvania Coalition of Taxpayer Associations for his support of the elimination of property taxes.
For more about the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce, visit tricountyareachamber.com
For more about Mensch, visit his campaign Web site.
Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS
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