Thursday, September 24, 2009

'Legislative failure' in PA

Why do Pennsylvania voters tolerate such incompetence on the part of the state Legislature? Especially when taxpayers shell out more than $300 million a year to pay for the most expensive state legislature in the country.

Look at what the Pennsylvania Legislature has been up to in recent years:
* The pay raise fiasco of 2005.
* The Bonusgate scandal.
* The Vince Fumo trial and conviction.
* A 2009-10 budget that is more than 80 days late.
What's it going to take to break the camel's back? While one-third of the Legislature has been voted out in the last two election cycles and new leadership has emerged in most of the caucuses, it's still business as usual in Harrisburg.

From an editorial in The Pottstown Mercury:
A year ago, the Legislature adopted an unrealistic budget that set up a deficit which now tops $3 billion. This time around, they took their good ol' time rather than rush the procedure.

But did they do a better job? And will voters remember their ineptitude?

Two questions to be answered in time.
Read the full editorial at the link below:

Issues of legislative failure remain in state - The Mercury Opinion: Pottstown, PA and The Tri County areas of Montgomery, Berks and Chester Counties (

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Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS

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