The AP published a lengthy "Fact Check" article on Obama's fabrications.
Among the whoppers Obama told Tuesday:
"We import more oil today than ever before." The AP says that U.S. oil imports peaked in 2005 and have declined since then.
"We have identified $2 trillion in savings over the next decade." The AP notes that Obama is in office for just four years so there's no way for him to predict anything beyond his term.
"Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs." The AP notes that Obama's own economists who pulled the number out of the air have said that "all estimates presented in this memo are subject to significant margins of error."
"We will double the nation's supply of renewable energy over the next three years." The AP concludes that Obama's goal "is unlikely to be achieved through the recovery plan alone."
Read the full article, "Obama's words on home aid ring hollow,"
Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS