Thousands of Greek-Cypriot civilians were murdered by Turkish troops during the invasion.
According to reports and recent DNA Testing of remains in illegally Turkish-Occupied Cyprus, some 18 Greeks were slaughtered in Palekythro and the remains of 11 of the dead were recently discovered in an olive grove in the occupied village and identified using DNA matching, CANA says in a statement.
London-based Greek-Cypriot blogger Hellenic Antidote released on You Tube a report from Saturday's RIK news (with English subtitles) on the funeral of Sotira Georgiou, 28, and her two children Mary, 7, and Yiannakis, eight months, murdered in the village of Palekythro during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.
View this report here: http://hellenicantidote.blogspot.com/2009/02/palekythro-massacre.html