Monday, September 09, 2024

The Los Angeles Times blames Republicans for California’s woes

The Los Angeles Times blames Republicans for California’s woes: One of the hallmarks of narcissism is that when things go wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault. Being a narcissist means never having to say you’re sorry. Nothing more perfectly illustrates this truism than an essay from yesterday’s Los Angeles Times blaming Republicans for California’s myriad woes. While the author is correct that, when Republicans had the chance, they didn’t make smart decisions, the reality is that it’s the Democrats who have led California to the desperate place it’s in now.

Steve Lopez’s essay doesn’t make the mistake of blaming Republicans for all the state’s problems. He concedes that Democrats have long controlled the former Golden State, which is plagued by homelessness, crime, out-of-control housing costs, and poverty.

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