Friday, September 20, 2024

"She Gaslights Everybody” - Kamala’s Campaign Strategy EXPOSED: Same Four Lines Used In Every Speech

Kamala’s Oprah Interview FAIL: Her Worst Media Performance Yet!

Teamsters REFUSE To Endorse Kamala Harris!

When Suburban White Women Go Car Shopping (or Voting)


Even with Oprah as Moderator and a Friendly Crowd, Kamala Harris Flopped Hard at Michigan Town Hall

Even with Oprah as Moderator and a Friendly Crowd, Kamala Harris Flopped Hard at Michigan Town Hall: Harris's blend of question dodging, rehearsed lies, brazen hypocrisy and jaw-dropping rhetorical nonsense simply staggers the mind.

Trump takes a clear lead among New York State’s Jewish voters

Trump takes a clear lead among New York State’s Jewish voters: Siena College’s latest poll had some interesting results, especially from Jewish voters, long one of the Democrat party’s most reliable demographics. It turns out that Jewish voters don’t like what they see. The poll generally asks like/dislike questions and specific questions about the economy and immigration, but I have to believe that Jews are also worried about the Democrats’ antisemitism problem and Kamala and Biden’s efforts to save Hamas (a Nazi-like terrorist organization) from extinction.

Notice the difference?


Listen to her words: Comrade Kamala is a tyrant in waiting

Listen to her words: Comrade Kamala is a tyrant in waiting: Comrade Kamala has a plethora of reasons for being unfit for office, starting with the fact that she is part of the ruling cabal that has made a mess of the country and is leading us toward WWIII and nuclear annihilation.  And that’s just the beginning.

The depths of her disqualifications are endless.  From a Marxist ideological background and attempting to force communism down our throats to ridiculous vote-buying schemes and economic destruction with price controls (rules on price-“gauging”), she’s wrought enough insanity on the country, which only a lifetime of incompetence can accomplish.

Bias through the years: a long list of media infractions

Bias through the years: a long list of media infractions: Most of the media are just puppets for Democrats. They are the ones who are intentionally trying to destroy America, not Trump.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

FULL INTERVIEW: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld

Tiny Israel flips the tables of warfare itself on the terrorists of Hezb'allah

Tiny Israel flips the tables of warfare itself on the terrorists of Hezb'allah: These pinpoint strikes targeting Hezb'allah members, but not the civilian population they swim in, represents a dramatic paradigm shift in the history of warfare.

Teamsters overwhelmingly support Trump, but the union withholds its endorsement

Teamsters overwhelmingly support Trump, but the union withholds its endorsement: Faced with Teamster members who refuse to get with the program and support Kamala Harris, the union leadership has decided to refrain from endorsing anyone.

Beep, Beep


New Google tools, new leftist biases

New Google tools, new leftist biases: Do we really need further confirmation that Google is riddled with leftist bias?  Sure, especially when its newer applications are contradicting their professed purpose.

Google has some innovative tools, several of which are free — at least to try.  Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, at least some of them (probably all if dependent on the same, or linked, data marts) are tainted by leftist bias.  Today, I was in a resolute and resilient mood — sanguine enough, I thought, to delve into their leftist labyrinth known as DeepMind. 

Labor Dept. data: Urban rent surges 23% in just three years of Biden-Harris

Labor Dept. data: Urban rent surges 23% in just three years of Biden-Harris: According to the government’s own number crunchers, the average cost of urban rent surged 23% in just three years of Biden-Harris, with the housing cost increase impacting “midwestern cities slightly worse” with a 24% rise.

Fed chair Powell says illegals are why unemployment is rising

Fed chair Powell says illegals are why unemployment is rising: If you import 20 million people into an economy that doesn't have room for them, don't be surprised if unemployment goes up.

That's not Donald Trump speaking, it's what Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, a guy who tends to side with Joe Biden, found when he cut interest rates 50 basis points yesterday. It's also basic economics.

Is there a federal agency the Democrats have not ruined?


Old footage reveals that Kamala Harris intends to barge into our homes to see how we store our firearms

Old footage reveals that Kamala Harris intends to barge into our homes to see how we store our firearms: Kamala Harris brings a whole new energy to the nanny state, further evidenced by a damning new video making the rounds on social media which shows a younger Harris standing next to Gavin Newsom, announcing that even if someone is in “legal” possession of a firearm (and yes, she used air quotes around “legal”) in the “sanctity” of their own locked home, it doesn’t mean Big Brother’s evil next-of-kin Momala won’t be showing up unannounced to conduct surprise warrantless searches (and maybe some seizures!) if she finds that we’re not being “responsible” or “safe” in the way we exercise our right to self defense in the context of keeping and bearing arms.

Komrade Kamala's minions insist she's no Marxist, but she sure does draw glowing endorsements from actual communists

Komrade Kamala's minions insist she's no Marxist, but she sure does draw glowing endorsements from actual communists: A few days after President Trump called Kamala Harris "a Marxist" after the last presidential debate, Newsweek put on its "journalism" cap and attempted to debunk that claim, saying they decided to ask some "real" communists from the Communist Party U.S.A., a depleted husk of an organization which must have maybe 100 members.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Still Undecided?


Thank goodness Trump has the courage to be ‘dangerous’

Thank goodness Trump has the courage to be ‘dangerous’: Hillary presents a dark, very unpleasant figure; she’s almost sorrowful, were it not that her rhetoric is what is actually dangerous. By contrast, while justifiably angry, Trump and his supporters will lead us to broad, sunlit uplands. If there is voting integrity, this November will usher in “Morning again in America.” Again.

New report: Illegals are drastically altering the landscape of public schools

New report: Illegals are drastically altering the landscape of public schools: Data doesn’t lie, and illegal alien minors are drastically altering the landscape of the public schools in Chicago.

According to an in-depth analysis published at Chalkbeat, a nonprofit news organization with a stated mission to report on America’s school system, particularly the way it impacts those who have “historically lacked access to a quality education,” the demographics of the Chicago public schools is rapidly changing, and I’d argue, not for the better. While the number of (alien) Hispanic students skyrockets, blacks rapidly diminish. Where once there were experienced educators, now there are progressive activists, translators, and social workers who delegate dollars to students based on other needs in extracurricular areas of their lives like housing and food. And, around a quarter of the pupils don’t even speak English.

'True-blue' Democrat leaves party, backs Trump: This was the 'final straw'

What America can learn from ancient Rome’s death by mass migration

What America can learn from ancient Rome’s death by mass migration: It is a common historical myth that Rome fell in 476 A.D. after Odoacer, King of the Goths, sacked the capital city and forced Romulus Augustus to abdicate his throne.

The historical reality is rather different. Over the course of nearly a century, Germanic tribes – fleeing everything from war, famine and tribal politics – moved, unimpeded, into Roman territory. And the Empire died not by traditional invasion but by unchecked mass migration.

Parents, wake up! If Harris wins, your kids will be drafted to fight in a foreign war

Parents, wake up! If Harris wins, your kids will be drafted to fight in a foreign war: Our radicalized, leftist media is avoiding reporting on how close we may be to World War III, which could very well be nuclear. 

The Biden/Harris administration provoked the war that rages on in Ukraine, the continuation of the Obama coup of 2014.  Peace could have been negotiated before the current battles began, but no, our ever-powerful military-industrial complex wanted war. 

It is how they all get fabulously wealthy. 

Pitch perfect: New 'Mission: Incompetent' video captures the essence of the Harris-Biden administration

Pitch perfect: New 'Mission: Incompetent' video captures the essence of the Harris-Biden administration: This is one of those videos I watch over and over. AI mission impossible trailer 🔊 up for 🎶 — APOCTOZ (@Apoctoz) September 16, 2024 On the satirical front, it doesn't get any funnier: The satir...

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Glenn Greenwald On Rising: Dick Cheney BELONGS In the Democratic Party

Hillary Clinton Responds to Second Trump Assassination Attempt by Blaming the Victim

Hillary Clinton Responds to Second Trump Assassination Attempt by Blaming the Victim: It's hard to decide which is worse: Hillary's comments about a man she still resents or the snide laughter of her liberal audience.

A pastor’s guide for voting

A pastor’s guide for voting : In his message, Pastor Hamrick stressed that Americans need to vote for political candidates who most closely align with biblical values in the policies they espouse and will promote if elected to public office.  Policies aligning with biblical values promote righteousness, are good for the nation, and honor God.

Joe is not helping Kamala


Democrats are intentionally dumbing down the kids

Democrats are intentionally dumbing down the kids: For decades, most of the media and other Democrats have lied to the public, insisting that they, and not Republicans, care about our children… but their actions and policies show that this propaganda is clearly not true. They only care about money and power, a fact clearly seen when you look at the results in the public education sector. According to a report from US News, the Los Angeles school district spends over $18,000 per student; yet after thirteen years of schooling, only 46% of high school students could read at grade level, and a measly 18% were at grade level in math. 

Three Types of Assassination: The Desperate Effort to Eliminate Trump

Three Types of Assassination: The Desperate Effort to Eliminate Trump: This article is about three types of assassination. 

The first, which President Trump has endured nonstop since he first entered the political arena, is character assassination. 

The second is legal assassination, sometimes called “lawfare.” The term is appropriate, because it is derived from warfare.  This is the attempt to lawlessly, but under the guise of law, bankrupt, ruin, defame and even imprison a dangerous political opponent. In extreme cases, this opponent might even face life imprisonment, which is a legal equivalent of the death penalty.  (Murderers are often given the death penalty or life in prison, which some people say is a fate worse than death.)

And finally, when all else fails, there is actual assassination. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

The REAL Reason Kamala Harris is Losing to Trump (Spoiler Alert: Not the Economy)

Social Media Posts from Trump Assassination Attempt Suspect Sound Exactly Like What You'd Hear at a Kamala Harris Rally

Social Media Posts from Trump Assassination Attempt Suspect Sound Exactly Like What You'd Hear at a Kamala Harris Rally: Ryan Wesley Routh, Trump's would-be assassin filled his social media pages with democracy-related Democratic Party talking points.

An ABC employee’s sworn affidavit claims ABC cheated to help Kamala win

An ABC employee’s sworn affidavit claims ABC cheated to help Kamala win: While Kamala did not receive the exact question the moderators asked, she allegedly received sample questions so she’d know generally what to expect. This assertion, if true, explains the very careful language ABC used when it denied any allegations that it gave Kamala the questions before the debate: “Harris was not given any questions before the debate.”

A new definition of insanity


The Press Can't Stop Pushing Fake Racial Controversies Targeting Trump

The Press Can't Stop Pushing Fake Racial Controversies Targeting Trump: “AP Headlines Called Harris Indian American in 2016 [but] Black in 2020? [snip] Verdict: True” -- Snopes Fact Check, July 26, 2024 “President Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanentl...

A second assassination attempt on President Trump and all they can come up with is are two minor gun charges?

A second assassination attempt on President Trump and all they can come up with is are two minor gun charges?: A would-be assassin takes aim at a leading presidential contender and former president, and all the federal attorney can come up with as a charge are a couple of gun violations?

Something seems fishy out in Florida where the crime happened, home to a lot of federal officials who hate Trump.

How JD Vance Can Secure Trump’s Re-Election

How JD Vance Can Secure Trump’s Re-Election: As last week’s debate made clear, Kamala Harris’s media enablers have given Harris the green light to lie in the most flagrant ways about the most significant of issues.  Even if Donald Trump were adept at giving concise answers, which he is not, he would have had no chance to expose Harris’s mendacity.

In the long run, the most damaging of issues deal with the weaponization of justice.  As vice presidential candidate, Sen. J. D. Vance is perfectly positioned to address this phenomenon.  He is precise in his language; quick on his feet, and, with a “J.D.” (hmmm!) from Yale, inarguably well credentialed to take on the task at hand: heading up an American Truth and Reconciliation Commission (ATRC).

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson: Kamala Harris is a Communist, Trump is winning

Gutfeld: Taylor Swift makes ‘bad choices’ in women too

The ‘climate change’ hoax is a direct threat to, well, everything

The ‘climate change’ hoax is a direct threat to, well, everything: Climate change? And we're looking back basically 150 years? Out of the 4.54 billion years the Earth has been in existence? That is not even a measurable percentage. It is statistically insignificant, in the manner that white supremacists are to America’s population.

This is as if “experts” studied the northern hemisphere, measuring light from late June until mid-December and decided that mankind, in these heavily populated industrial areas of the north, was causing the hemisphere to grow ever darker.

Kamala Harris, who majored in 'economics,' had no idea what inflation was or what to do about it in solo interview

Kamala Harris, who majored in 'economics,' had no idea what inflation was or what to do about it in solo interview: Man, she's stupid. Kamala Harris came out for an softball interview with a local Philadelphia reporter from an ABC affiliate, who asked her about inflation and the economy and and a few other things and she was so ignorant of the entire matter...

Panic setting in among Kamala’s handlers?

Panic setting in among Kamala’s handlers?: Thursday (09-12-24), we learned that an anonymous ABC whistleblower plans to reveal this weekend how the network rigged the Trump-Harris presidential debate by giving Harris the questions in advance and assuring her that only Trump would be fact-checked.

The following day, Mark Penn, once a top aide to Bill Clinton and now chairman of the Harvard CAPS Harris Poll, called for “an independent outside” law firm to investigate whether ABC rigged the debate.

“I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don’t know how much of this was planned in advance,” Penn told the John Solomon Reports podcast.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney’s Lust for Nuclear War, and Why She’s on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

Kamala Harris and the Liberal Media are Lying About Abortion

Kamala Harris and the Liberal Media are Lying About Abortion

After the debate ...


Trump’s Debate Anger Reflects America’s Anger

Trump’s Debate Anger Reflects America’s Anger: Who in their right mind would not be angry at what’s going on with the get-Trump agenda, and the vile divisiveness of the radical leftist administration? Kamala smiled in his face with a disingenuous opening debate handshake and then proceeded to disparage him with lies, condescension, and abject disrespect. Trump is being criticized by the talking heads because he didn’t do this or that in the debate. His emotion was what was called for at that moment -- outrage! Ronald Reagan was outraged at 1980 GOP debate when he angrily said: "I am paying for this microphone.”

New poll: 81% say cost of food is rising faster than income, around half have given up on keeping protein in diets to stay within budget

New poll: 81% say cost of food is rising faster than income, around half have given up on keeping protein in diets to stay within budget: According to a new poll from a D.C-based nonprofit No Kid Hungry, the number of Texans negatively affected by grocery store prices continues to increase, with a vast majority (81%) reporting that food costs are outpacing their incomes, and around half (49%) revealing that they’ve either cut back on meat consumption, or given it up altogether to remain in budget.

The second statistic is exaggerated among lower-income families making less than $50k, with children in the public school system, where it goes from around one-out-of-two to almost three-out-of-four (71%).

Anyone who thinks the inflation problem is over has their head stuck in the sand

Anyone who thinks the inflation problem is over has their head stuck in the sand: Kamala claimed that the economic policies of the Biden-Harris White House have brought inflation down. I would ask a simple question: Which policies?

There are none. The reason the inflation increase is lower is because people couldn’t afford the compound price increases. It is really rich when a politician brags that 3% is “down” when inflation is still more than double the rate she inherited. But most of the media cheers as they campaign for Harris.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Exposing Kamala Harris' Far Left Ideology

Warmongers for Kamala ...


Trump v. Harris: A Choice To Be Made

Trump v. Harris: A Choice To Be Made: “The President is the worst President in U.S. history, and the Vice-President is the worst Vice-President in U.S. history.” With these final, summary words, Pres. Trump condemned both the sitting President Joe Biden and the Vice-President who debated him last night. This was his grim final assessment of the leadership he and J.D. Vance hope to defeat in November. It was a grim assessment depicting the precarious condition of our country now led by deceitful leftists bent on destroying the eternal values of our Constitution and the righteous morals that underlie that holy document.

The media were the debate’s biggest loser

The media were the debate’s biggest loser: Consider this thought experiment: what could you do if you were never called on anything you said?  Simultaneously, your political opponent is mercilessly persecuted at every turn.  What could you get away with in that lopsided situation?  Would you feel any constraints in making accusations against your opponent, knowing that anything he says will be “fact-checked” and suppressed at your whim?  What could you do with that immense power at your fingertips?

BREAKING: Trump Regains the Momentum and Opens Up A LEAD Over Kamala Harris

Kamala forecast: Vanishing jobs, trillions added to the deficit, capital gains nearing 50%, and taxed unrealized gains

Kamala forecast: Vanishing jobs, trillions added to the deficit, capital gains nearing 50%, and taxed unrealized gains: The Kamala forecast isn’t looking so sunny, at least according to three leading groups that are largely known for being economically and fiscally aware — Americans for Tax Reform, the Cato Institute, and the Tax Foundation think tank based in Washington D.C.

Laura: Here are Kamala Harris' ‘5 biggest lies’

Democracy Truly Does Die in Darkness

Democracy Truly Does Die in Darkness: In February, 2017, the Washington Post adopted its now infamous mission statement: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Was it a coincidence that one of the nation’s most influential newspapers — the paper that broke the Watergate scandal and brought down Richard Nixon’s presidency — decided that its role was to save democracy just one month after President Trump was inaugurated?

Yet another Democrat vote fraud scheme exposed

Yet another Democrat vote fraud scheme exposed: This week, former president Donald Trump noted the need for stronger border protections to stop illegal voting.

He's right — noncitizen voting is a threat to our republic.  And Democrats know it — since 2021, they have welcomed millions of illegal migrants into the country.  It’s not surprising some of those same illegal migrants are registered to vote — even though it’s against the law, cancels out a legal citizen’s vote, and puts illegally registered immigrants at risk for deportation.

Kamala Quicksand


President Trump Won the Debate with Harris

President Trump Won the Debate with Harris: It is not surprising that there was a surge of punditry opinions arguing that Kamala Harris won the September 10 debate with Donald Trump. The DNC desperately needed the validation of such a win and it was also evident that the ABC moderators felt the same. Many conservative analysts have joined in and agreed that Trump lost the debate. From the standpoint of debate practice, Trump performed one of his most successful debates and arguably won the debate.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump May Not Win in Pennsylvania -- Until After the Election

Trump May Not Win in Pennsylvania -- Until After the Election: Donald Trump is likely to win the most votes in Pennsylvania, but unless he leads by at least 3 percent on Election Day, it is likely that Kamala Harris will be declared the winner.

If that happens, the Republicans will have to take extraordinary steps to dispute the stolen election.

To understand the need for an extra 3 percent, we must review the serious problems of the 2020 election, which remain today.

Biden-Harris policies have destroyed the poor and middle classes

Biden-Harris policies have destroyed the poor and middle classes: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris repeatedly say they want to help the poor and middle classes but their policies, which caused inflation to soar, have absolutely destroyed the dollar’s purchasing power.

People can no longer afford to patronize the establishments they’ve always patronized, because they are living paycheck-to-paycheck, have already depleted their savings, and have run up credit card debt to unsustainable levels—and these chains are falling like dominos.

Jim Rickards Rebuttal: Trump vs. Kamala... "Trump Won"

That Kamala Is Amazing ...


Trump did a great job last night considering what he was up against

Trump did a great job last night considering what he was up against: The usual doom-and-gloom has settled like a pall on the conservative commentariat. If our side doesn’t score with a Grand Slam, they invariably consider it a loss. Their attitude is all wrong. When looked at through “real world” lenses, Trump did remarkably well in a venue that was hostile and dishonest—and that many Americans recognized as such. I know this because I’ve been in venues just like that—only without millions of people watching. At the end of the day, I won my case, even though the process was more than usually painful. I believe the same will be true for Donald Trump.

What ABC moderators didn’t ask….

What ABC moderators didn’t ask….: After watching the debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris, what was essentially a dynamic of three-against-one as the two moderators obviously teamed up with Harris, we’re reminded that the media is one of the biggest enemies of the American people.

ABC's Debate Fiasco


Leftists Live In A Mental Prison Of Their Own Making

Leftists Live In A Mental Prison Of Their Own Making: We need to talk about our progressive brothers and sisters’ mental health. They’re not well. Like, literally, not well. Even that well-known hotbed of conservatism … Tufts University… says so: …Many studies...

Saving Journalism from the Journalists

Saving Journalism from the Journalists: It has been eleven years since investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson first revealed that Barack Obama’s government was illegally spying on her.  Although she has pursued the matter doggedly in court, no high-ranking Obama administration officials have ever been held accountable.  The incident remains remarkable not only because it laid bare another instance in which Obama’s administration engaged in unlawful, unconstitutional, and unethical conduct (remember when Attorney General Eric Holder got caught arming international drug cartels in Operation Fast and Furious for reasons that only he could justify?), but also because the silence from the American press corps was deafening.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Cooking With Kamala


The Los Angeles Times blames Republicans for California’s woes

The Los Angeles Times blames Republicans for California’s woes: One of the hallmarks of narcissism is that when things go wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault. Being a narcissist means never having to say you’re sorry. Nothing more perfectly illustrates this truism than an essay from yesterday’s Los Angeles Times blaming Republicans for California’s myriad woes. While the author is correct that, when Republicans had the chance, they didn’t make smart decisions, the reality is that it’s the Democrats who have led California to the desperate place it’s in now.

Steve Lopez’s essay doesn’t make the mistake of blaming Republicans for all the state’s problems. He concedes that Democrats have long controlled the former Golden State, which is plagued by homelessness, crime, out-of-control housing costs, and poverty.

Attention, Childless Cat Ladies: Illegals are coming for your pets

Attention, Childless Cat Ladies: Illegals are coming for your pets: In Springfield, Ohio, there are reports that Haitian migrants, including illegals, are out eating people's pet cats.

And dogs. And seagulls. And ducks in ponds. And geese in public parks. And horses.

Inflation Reduction Act’s costs are skyrocketing

Inflation Reduction Act’s costs are skyrocketing: The falsely named Inflation Reduction Act’s costs are skyrocketing; let’s start with the most obvious.

Progressive politicians “invested” $7.5 billion to build E.V. charging stations around the nation and in the first few years, they’ve built just seven or eight; at this rate, it would take more than 200,000 years to finish the project as they promised. They couldn’t have worse results if they tried.

The bill also budgeted $42.5 billion to connect high speed internet, yet in three years, not one person has been connected. How is that possible?

Friday, September 06, 2024

Boulevard of (KAMALA HARRIS) Fallacies - GREEN DAY Parody Song

Alan Dershowitz Announces His Departure From The Democrat Party

My visit to Harrisburg to see a Donald Trump town hall meeting

My visit to Harrisburg to see a Donald Trump town hall meeting: As usual, President Trump’s humor and willingness to state the truth were brilliant. He brought down the house when he said, “You have to vote for me even if you don’t like me, even if you’re someone who can’t stand me or someone who hates my guts. You have to vote for me because Kamala is so bad and not an alternative.”

The media’s vicious and unprecedented attack on the Trump ticket

The media’s vicious and unprecedented attack on the Trump ticket: Beginning in 2007, to get Obama into office, the media abandoned objectivity, even while still claiming to be objective. In 2016, a New York Times writer argued that Trump was such a unique threat that “journalism shouldn’t measure itself against any one campaign’s definition of fairness.” Objectivity, he said, was “untenable.” And just the other day, James Carville, the architect of Bill Clinton’s 1992 victory, issued marching orders to the media: “F**k your objectivity.” The media continue to operate under those guidelines, attacking the Trump campaign in ways never before seen in American history.

One of the prime ways the media do this is through reporting that relies heavily on omission to convey an impression that is the opposite of the truth. The AP did that yesterday, and the Kamala campaign used that technique to its advantage.

Venezuelan thugs reportedly taking over apartments in Dallas and Chicago now

Venezuelan thugs reportedly taking over apartments in Dallas and Chicago now: Move over, Aurora. Venezuelan thugs have got bigger plans than just taking over one apartment building in a Denver suburb.

Seems they're after a lot of them, actually, and have gotten it down to a routine.

Just north of Dallas, Texas, illegally present Tren de Aragua thugs may have reportedly taken an apartment building or two.

GOVERNMENT LIARS: Feds Carrying Water for the Democrats According to Americans

Thursday, September 05, 2024

The Media Lies Add Up

The Media Lies Add Up Victor Davis Hanson: The public is exhausted after a decade of chronic untruth from the left-wing and its media.

Bidenomics remains an albatross around Kamala’s neck, media steps in to help

Bidenomics remains an albatross around Kamala’s neck, media steps in to help: For Joe Biden’s entire term, the media spread the lie about how great his policies and results have been, particularly when it came time to the economy—the “best” economy “ever” they said. Of course, the people trying to survive the economy knew better. Now, Democrat operatives in her campaign and in the media are advising Kamala to run away from the unpopular Biden as fast as she can to intentionally mislead the voters. They sure don’t want Kamala to tell the truth that she’s just as much to blame, and would only make things worse.

Are Trump and Musk about to make government ‘great again’?: Gutfeld

You MUST watch Tulsi Gabbard’s video about the Harris-Biden administration’s Stasi-style governance

You MUST watch Tulsi Gabbard’s video about the Harris-Biden administration’s Stasi-style governance: When all my conservative friends suddenly start sending me texts and emails telling me that I must watch a video, I take that seriously. That was the case with a video that Tulsi Gabbard published yesterday on X detailing how the Harris-Biden administration has been using law enforcement, the DOJ, and a completely complicit media to silence (and, if possible, destroy) anyone who threatens the Democrat party’s hold on power.

I’ll add only one thing to Gabbard’s pithy 14-minute-long summation of what the branches of government under Democrat party control have been doing: Most have no mandate under the Constitution. The weaponized bureaucracy has become a fourth branch of government that must be constrained.

Reagan: The Movie, Holds Many Lessons for Us Today

Reagan: The Movie, Holds Many Lessons for Us Today: Labor Day weekend was the opening of the movie “Reagan.”  It has been four decades since he was in the White House, yet the situation is eerily similar today.  We will get to that later.  But first, I must say that th...

Like any good tyrant, Kamala wants the government to ban speech she dislikes

Like any good tyrant, Kamala wants the government to ban speech she dislikes: As a modern tyrant attains power, he won’t just push back against opposing ideas; he’ll say they shouldn’t be voiced at all. Once he holds some power, he’ll work with friends in the government, the media, and corporations to silence opposing ideas. Finally, once he gains complete power, as his ideas invariably fail when put into practice, he must use the government’s police power to silence those who challenge him lest he be toppled. That trajectory is why it’s noteworthy (in a scary way) that, once in 2019 and again today, Kamala has stated explicitly that she believes that if she controls the government, she has the right to use its vast power to silence critics.  

Kamala's a BIG FAT LIAR - The DOORS "Light My Fire" Parody Song :)

Two Different Paths


What She’s Really Like—The Harris Mystery Solved

What She’s Really Like—The Harris Mystery Solved: Something just doesn’t add up in the ascension of Kamala Harris to the Democrat party’s presidential nomination. A key link is missing in the chain of events.

Consider the facts of the case:

(1) By no means was Harris the first draft choice to grab the nomination, having failed to distinguish herself as a presidential candidate in 2020 or subsequently as Vice President.

(2) Within minutes of Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race, she received his endorsement and was anointed as the putative nominee.

(3) Quotations attributed to Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama have appeared in the press expressing, in retrospect, a preference for having had an open convention, or, in Pelosi’s reputed words, “a mini-primary.”

How do we square (1) and (2), especially in light of (3)?

Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart the Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, and Butler Law Enforcement?

Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart the Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, and Butler Law Enforcement?: Every day, more information comes out arguing against the government narrative that a “lone wolf” attack lies behind the assassination attempt against President Donald Trump. The Biden Administration’s feeble attempts through surrogates to deflect and deny have become standard and boring. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Pollsters Who Were Dead-On in Last 2 Elections Drop 2024 Update, Kamala Harris Should Be Terrified

Pollsters Who Were Dead-On in Last 2 Elections Drop 2024 Update, Kamala Harris Should Be Terrified: “The momentum that we were seeing after the Democratic National Convention has sort of come to an end," one pollster said.

What Isn't Fake About Kamala?


The little 'tell' that suggests Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald's

The little 'tell' that suggests Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald's: I used to work at McDonald's when I was in high school in the late 1970s.

Kamala Harris, who's close to the same age as me, claims she did, too, when she "was a student," and "in school."

The Washington Free Beacon checked on that through various means and found no evidence of it.

Why Taxing Unrealized Gains Is a Disaster Waiting to Happen

Amazon Responds After Alexa Devices Caught Boosting Kamala Harris

Amazon Responds After Alexa Devices Caught Boosting Kamala Harris: Amazon admitted an "error" after its Alexa devices were caught boosting Kamala Harris while refusing to do anything of the sort for Trump.

Globalism Is Economic Slavery

Globalism Is Economic Slavery: Imagine life in the near future.  A man resides alone in a tiny apartment.  He would prefer to be married, but the State considers that antiquated institution “patriarchal” and “white supremacist.”  He would prefer to have children, but he can’t afford them.  Besides, his yearly carbon allowance is insufficient to cover another resource-wasting human being.  

There are signs that Kamala’s moment may have peaked

There are signs that Kamala’s moment may have peaked: The one thing about bubbles is that they pop. In the weeks since Kamala was anointed, the media enveloped her in bubbles, frothy, joyous bubbles, all of which served to obscure the fact that Kamala is a hardcore leftist, inarticulate without a prompter, tied tightly to one of the least popular presidents ever, and herself the least popular vice president ever. However, it’s beginning to look as if these bubbles have peaked and are now popping, with Kamala’s numbers returning to reality.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

NYPD officer: 75% of arrests are migrants

NYPD officer: 75% of arrests are migrants: Straight from the horse’s mouth, in this case a “Midtown officer” patrolling the streets in New York City, comes the news that around 75% of the arrests are migrants, with the natural assumption being that they’re the illegal “newcomers” the progressive Democrat crowd keeps marketing to us as our cultural enrichment.

Laura Ingraham: Any momentum Kamala Harris had was media-generated

Kamala Offers Nothing But 'Joy'


On the new Reagan movie, the reviewers part ways with the public

On the new Reagan movie, the reviewers part ways with the public: A new movie opened this past weekend: Reagan, starring Dennis Quaid, Penelope Ann Miller, and Jon Voight. The movie puts a positive spin on Ronald Reagan, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that professional critics have been trashing it. What may surprise the leftists, though, is that, if Rotten Tomatoes is any guide, ordinary Americans love the movie.

The Great Realignment

The Great Realignment: The Trump campaign has been shaking the foundations of America since he came down the escalator.  Part of the shake-up is due to Trump himself.  A blue-collar billionaire who was not part of the political in-crowd.  Brash.  Bold.  Creative.  Speaks his mind.  He knows how to sell and promote his ideas.  He has the gift of multi-tasking.  He dealt with real estate and construction in New York and did equally well as a television superstar.  He is simply impossible for his detractors to control.

This shaking is also caused by the leftist response to Trump.  He drives them to drink while he is sober (not necessarily a shot at Kamala).  Their reaction has been hysterical, going so far over-the-top in fighting him that they begin to self-destruct.  One extraordinary outcome of their singular focus to destroy Trump has been that they’ve failed.  I’m not sure anyone else could have lasted against this army of angry mutant leftists aiming to destroy them.  Their response to Trump has no equal historically.  The anger blinding them has rarely been seen.  Maybe never.  They must spend each day messaging one another thousands of new plans to rid themselves of this turbulent priest.

Harris is Flip-Flopping Toward November 5

Harris is Flip-Flopping Toward November 5: Flip-flopping politicians are nothing new, whether Democrats or Republicans. The latter campaign on cutting taxes, slashing wasteful government spending, and securing the border, just to name a few issues.

Once elected, they discover that America, now $35 trillion in debt and growing by $2 million every minute, “can’t afford” any of these measures while at the same time insisting that billions spent on climate change fantasies or foreign wars are not only affordable but also essential “for democracy” or whatever their cause-de-jour.

Monday, September 02, 2024

200 Of The Worst Republicans Endorse Kamala Harris! w/ Chris Hedges

The Democrat Plan to Restore the Higher Education Indoctrination Industrial Complex

The Democrat Plan to Restore the Higher Education Indoctrination Industrial Complex: The Democrat party’s craving for power is insatiable so nothing is ever enough.

How else can you explain their infatuation with open borders with quick paths to citizenship, undermining the electoral process with mail-in voting or schemes to re-write the Constitution?

Matt Walsh: Left-Wing Elites Laugh as Illegal Gangs Terrorize Neighborhoods

It’s time to unite on the Trump Train

It’s time to unite on the Trump Train: Nicole Shanahan has released a brilliant ad -- emotional, impactful, and just a bit over the top for RFK., Jr. and a little light on Trump. But brilliant nonetheless.

I have never been a big fan of JFK or RFK. I was born a little late for that, in 1966. But oh how my mother and grandmother loved Camelot and Jackie, even to their dying days. There are still a lot of JFK/RFK voters out there, even now, and if they see this ad, well, they will pull the lever for DJT. I will be making sure I send it to all of those voters I know. 

Reagan film … Divine inspiration

Reagan film … Divine inspiration: The current film about the life of Ronald Reagan is wonderful. 

The leftist critics, of course, have, and will continue to trash it, mock it, try to destroy it because they hated Reagan like they hate Trump.  The Daily Beast called it "the worst movie of the year."

The film was originally set to be released in 2021 but the insane vagaries of COVID and then the actors’ strike kept delaying the filming.  It is probably divine intervention that the film has now been released two months before a crucial election.  

There is so much in this film that is relevant to what is happening today, the film could and should be a wake-up call for those Americans who are still asleep re: the Harris/Walz campaign vs. the Trump/Vance ticket. 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Did Kamala Flip or Flop Today on an Issue?


This November 5th is a referendum on ‘The Swamp’

This November 5th is a referendum on ‘The Swamp’: A vote for Donald Trump this November is a vote to “drain the swamp.”

Stop Worrying About the Polls: Kamala’s Lead Is Fake

Stop Worrying About the Polls: Kamala’s Lead Is Fake: Can Kamala win?  Only if the public buys into the massive public relations campaign touting her as a leader and the Democrats’ desperate attempt to blame Trump for the country being on the wrong track.

Zuckerberg confession: why, and why now?

Zuckerberg confession: why, and why now?: Did Zuckerberg, who has spent years fighting every request for transparency, suddenly come to Jesus? Did he suddenly see the value of honesty and integrity? He’s a billionaire. He doesn’t have to practice honesty or integrity, in fact, there are real political and economic advantages to practicing neither.

Is he suddenly afraid of Congress? Did his lawyers warn him he wouldn’t be able to hold them off for much longer? Possible, but unlikely, except for one additional possibility, but more on that shortly.

Is he worried Trump will win and take revenge? Does he know what we don’t about Kamala’s electoral chances? He said he’s not going to spend $400 million tilting the election toward D/s/cs this year. Is that a sacrificial token to avoid what he sees as Trump’s inevitable election and potential wrath? That’s the additional possibility.