I am shocked. The Post-Gazette hardly ever endroses Republicans.
From the newspaper's endorsement editorial:
This no-nonsense politician also has his enlightened and progressive side. He recognizes the benefit of early education (as does Mr. Onorato) and sees the absurdity of that relic of Prohibition, the monopolistic Liquor Control Board system, and the crying need for its privatization (which Mr. Onorato does not). If done right, this would be a way of providing a great amount of budgetary relief without raising taxes. It also would send a message in the strongest way that Pennsylvania, despite its backward reputation, is not change averse.
The Post-Gazette endorses Tom Corbett, the candidate in a season of change who we believe can break with the past for the sake of a better future.
Read the full editorial here.
The city's other newspaper, the more conservative Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, also endorsed Corbett for governor. You can read that editorial here.
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