Forty-seven percent (47%) of likely voters in Pennsylvania now approve of the job Ed Rendell is doing as governor.Read more poll results at the link below:
Slightly more than half (52%), however, disapprove of how the Democrat is doing his job, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state. These figures include 16% who strongly approve and 31% who strongly disapprove.
The latest findings show little change from last month, but the number of voters who approve of Rendell's job performance as governor is down six points from early June 2009 when 53% felt that way. At that time, 46% disapproved of his performance.
Perhaps it's no surprise that 70% of GOP voters disapprove of his job performance, while 66% like the job the governor is doing. But 65% of voters not affiliated with either party disapprove, too.
47% in Pennsylvania Approve of Governor, 52% Disapprove
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Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS
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