I know this will confuse some of you out there because you've been indoctrinated to believe that Barack Obama is the second coming, but the evidence is pretty convincing so far that he just may be the dumbest man to occupy the White House.
From Caruba's column:
So far on Obama's watch:And there's much more. Read the full column at Caruba's Warning Signs blog.
He has doubled the national debt.
Announced the termination of the space defense system the day after the North Koreans launched an ICBM.
Against the advice and urgings for his own CIA director and the prior four directors, he released information on intelligence gathering.
Announced that he would close Guantanamo without having any idea what to do with its detainees, all of whom are hard-core jihadists. Several of those released have since returned to the terrorist trade.
Spent a lot of time in foreign nations apologizing for things about which most Americans take pride.
Told Mexicans that the violence in their country was our fault because some of the guns they use to kill each other had been purchased in the U.S.
Appointed an Attorney General who orchestrated the forced removal and return to Cuba of a nine-year-old whose mother died to give him a life of freedom in America.
Caused panic in New York by authorizing the flight of Air Force One over New York for a photo you can purchase with Photo Shop for less than a dollar. The flight cost $400.000.
Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS