Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New name, same ACORN nuts

Terrific editorial in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about Barack Obama's favorite group of community organizers, ACORN, changing the group's name now that it has been exposed for voter fraud. Here's the editorial:
ACORN's new name

When the term "liberal" became too big an albatross around the necks of the leftists among us, they decided to use the "progressive" moniker. But no matter what they call themselves, most people understand them to be garden-variety socialists.

Now comes word that ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is changing its name. But no matter if it's ACORN or COI -- Community Organizations International -- it can run but it cannot hide.

ACORN is under investigation in at least 14 states, Pennsylvania included, for allegations of voter registration fraud. The FBI is involved. ACORN is responsible for 400,000 fraudulent voter registrations nationwide, says Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. And the Obama administration and Democrats want ACORN to have a role in next year's census?

ACORN also played no small part in the subprime mortgage mess, championing loans to those who could not afford them.

And ACORN is involved in a nasty internal mess. An embezzlement scandal of a decade ago, long kept silent, spawned whistle-blowers to act. They're now being threatened with a lawsuit, The Washington Examiner reports. An ACORN affiliate has filed a lawsuit against the voter registration whistle-blower, it says.

So, ACORN is changing its name -- Community Organizations International, or COI. Remember that new name. Remember that new acronym. And beware.
Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS