Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Scary: Obama picking a Supreme Court justice

Based on what we've seen over the past three months, Barack Obama's pick for the Supreme Court will probably be a tax-cheating, far-left loon. That pretty much sums up everyone Obama has appointed to his cabinet and to other high-level positions.

From an editorial in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Obama seeks to nominate to the high court someone who will bend, fold, expand and ignore the law, not uphold it. Who needs an "abstract legal theory" or a "footnote" when you're freelancing the law and acting as an unelected legislator seeking a feel-good, kumbya outcome in pursuit of "social justice," right?

The only "empathy" the next Supreme Court justice should have is for the law. The rule of law demands this. Anything less will lead to anarchy.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS