Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Is Obama in charge?

Late Tuesday, the White House announced it was launching an investigation of the Air Force One PR stunt on Monday. Obama vowed it will never happen again. How did it happen in the first place? Who took the president's plane for a joy ride? Is anyone in charge in the Obama White House?

While The New York Times, the official propaganda arm of the Obama Administration, downplays the story, New York's tabloids appropriately put the Air Force One flyover story on Page 1 of Tuesday's editions.

Imagine the coverage if George W. Bush had pulled a bonehead move like this.

Read the New York Post coverage, "AIR HEADS IN DC TERRORIZE CITY," at the newspaper's Web site.

Check out the New York Daily News coverage at the newspaper's Web site.

Check out the YouTube video of panicked civilians below.

Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS