Saturday, January 03, 2009

Newspaper: Follow Rep. Schroder's example

The Mercury sends "Roses" to state Rep. Curt Schroder, R-Chester County, for finding ways to cut his own expenses, saving taxpayers a little money.

If all of the 253 members of the Legislature would do the same, maybe we could cut the $316 million-a-year cost of running the country's most expensive state legislatures.

From The Mercury's editorial page:
Roses to state rep for move to cut legislative costs

ROSES to State Rep Curt Schroder of Chester County for his initiative to not only return the legislator cost-of-living raise but also to cut office costs. Schroder announced in a press release that with Pennsylvania facing a potential $2 billion budget deficit in this fiscal year, lawmakers should be returning their 2.8 percent cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to the state treasury instead of taking the money, donating it to charity and then promoting their decision as one that helps the taxpayers. But what sets Schroder apart from other legislators who are vowing to return their COLA is that he is also vowing to cut other costs. He said he will return nearly $3,000 left in his legislative expense account for 2007-08; return the new color copier that is being installed in all district offices, noting that the existing black-and-white copier was adequate and working just fine; cut postage costs by eliminating the mailing of 2009 House calendars, and explore other ways to save on postage. He also said that early next year, he'll unveil a Legislative Cost Reduction Package to repeal the automatic COLA legislation; reduce legislative salaries; reform the legislative health and pension benefits system, and reduce wasteful spending by cutting discretionary grants and leadership accounts. Considering the cuts employees in businesses are enduring, Schroder's ideas are not radical. Taxpayers should demand that more legislators embrace a cost-cutting philosophy.
Originally posted at TONY PHYRILLAS