Thursday, October 16, 2008

'Demand a Character Check from Obama'

It's Time to Demand a Character Check from Obama

By William Owens Jr.

What in the world is going on within the minds of all Americans? How much more questionable association and potentially illegal activity do we need to witness regarding Senator Barack Obama before we seriously consider the implications of the risk that he poses against this country’s safety, independence, and patriotism?

There is a reason for this "rush to the edge of socialism" of the part of Obama. The American people have simply forgotten about our history. We have simply lost focus on who we are, based on where we have come from.

On June 23, 1775, on the day George Washington left the city to take command of the Continental Army Reverend William Smith said, "Religion and liberty must flourish or fall together in America. We pray that both may be perpetual."

In 1774, Thomas Jefferson said, "The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time."

The very axiom of America's identity is founded upon freedom of choice, freedom of religion, and freedom to think the way we choose to think, not being coerced into believing any message that is void of these fundamental ideals.

Truth is, Obama talks so much about his fundamental differences, but says nothing about where they come from. If you look closely at his character and the character of others that he espouses and associates with, you will find not simply a problem but a REAL DANGER! Because Obama is evasive about so many things you have to surmise that he is lying. Yes – lying. Consider this:

- For example, while Obama promises to give tax cuts to 95% of middle class America, he refuses to make clear that only 40% of Americans would even qualify for such a tax cut. This is a fallacy.

- When he tells us that we will receive the same medical coverage as him and his wife, he fails to tell us that supply (doctors) and demand (patients) makes this mathematically impossible, unless GOVERNMENT decides who gets the operation or medicine and who doesn't. This is socialized medicine!

- When he justifies the rights of women to have choice regarding the child that is in their wombs, he most definitely ensures that the race of Black Americans continues to decline.

- When he denies association with an un-repented terrorist—and then admits his association only after the evidence of it comes to the forefront — he simply validates how he would bring corruption within the highest office of the world.

Obama's campaign strategy is definitely not to bring unity among Americans. Rather, it is to create division through class warfare by articulating the grievances of the people to the people in hopes of creating himself as the agent of "change." However, he fails miserably in articulating a clear administration that will guide this country with a firm, experienced outlook that embraces the sentiments of Jefferson and Reverend Smith. We must never forget that ours is the oldest Republic in the world and could never exist outside of the Judeo-Christian faith based Constitution and Bill of Rights that we hold dear.

Obama's old playbook of socialistic adopted politics is patterned after a socialistic regime. He adopts the practices of a "global mindset" rather than an American one. Teenage boys don militant style uniforms and chant, "Yes, we can!" (See WorldNetDaily). They might as well yell, "Hail Barack." Once we began to hail anyone, we lose our identity and instead, forget how to think and act for ourselves. Think back to communistic Europe; it's the same pattern and will have the same effect.

I say, "Demand character references from Obama;" I say, "Validate his integrity based on his record," and I say, "Prove his associates by demanding a thorough inquisition on who they are, what they believe and what they have done." If the sum total does not equal life liberty and the pursuit of happiness — while celebrating the divine nature of the Constitution — Obama (and no man who does not qualify) should become president of these United States of America, land of the free, and home of the brave.

William Owens Jr. is author of seven books, including "Obama: Why Black America Should Have Doubts." He is president and founder of Higher Standard Enterprises Inc., a multi-media company focusing on publishing books and developing productions that speak to the issues of country and community. He has been featured on radio and TV shows throughout the country regarding numerous issues within the scope of politics and religion. He resides in North Carolina.