Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Don't pick on Kamala, whines NPR

Don't pick on Kamala, whines NPR: Bless their little pointed academic left-wing heads over there at NPR. Just today, I received one of their regular missives on the subject of "attacks" on the Dems' new nominee in waiting, the venerable Kamala Harris. As usual, NPR is out in front of the media curve and has assumed the role of linguistic bodyguard for the Veep and her supporters.

The media’s focus on candidates shouldn’t obscure the real issues in this election

The media’s focus on candidates shouldn’t obscure the real issues in this election: The media would have us believe that this race is between Kamala the Magnificent, on the one hand, and Trump the Dishonest and Vance the Weird, on the other hand. This is a lie. What matters is that Americans must decide on November 5 if we are a constitutional nation with traditional values or a communist nation with values exemplified in the 2024 Olympics’ opening ceremonies.

Jesse Watters: Kamala Harris is 'flat-out crazy'

Why Reliable Opioid Death Data is Impossible

Why Reliable Opioid Death Data is Impossible: If we’ve learned anything from our national COVID experience, it’s that science is not a collection of fixed, eternal declarations. Tools and terminology useful in the process of discovery can also be instruments of confirmation. A microscope can be a portal to the unexpected, or a prop in a theatrical performance.

True crime documentaries and news reports of deaths often feature a statement such as, “toxicology was performed,” “toxicology is pending,” or “toxicology showed X, Y and Z.” The word, “toxicology,” has an aura of a thorough, definitive procedure.

Democratic Strings Attached


Democrats bash Israel for striking the people who killed 12 Druze children

Democrats bash Israel for striking the people who killed 12 Druze children: Four days ago, Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, slaughtered 12 Druze children playing on a soccer field. Israel has just responded with a carefully targeted strike against two (and possibly three) of the masterminds behind those killings. The world should be celebrating Israel for her accuracy, delicacy, and power. Instead, the world, including the Democrat party, is castigating Israel for daring to respond lest she upset Iran, a terrorist nation. The moral inversion of today’s world, including today’s Democrat party, is truly disgusting.

So far, as a response to the murder of her Druze (that is, non-Jewish Arab) citizens, Israel has killed Ismail Haniyeh, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, and Fouad Shukr, all of whom were behind Hezbollah’s continuous year of rocket strikes against Israel, and all of whom generally have been active in terrorism against Americans, Europeans, Jews, Muslims, Christians, and many others.

Contested Primary Victories: Donald Trump: 151, Kamala Harris: 0

Contested Primary Victories: Donald Trump: 151, Kamala Harris: 0: Donald Trump has won 151 contested presidential primaries. Across the aisle, Democrat party defenders of democracy are jawboning their voters into swallowing a ballot headed by Kamala Harris, an Obama-Biden regime candidate who has never won a presidential primary in her own right.  Trump has earned a presidential nomination.  Harris hasn’t.

In 2016, Kamala Harris sat out the presidential race while Donald Trump won 41 contested presidential primary elections.  Trump faced down aggressive Republican opponents like John Kasich, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Jim Gilmore, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, George Pataki, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, and Rick Perry.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

From homelessness to hope: Trump’s unmatched veteran support

From homelessness to hope: Trump’s unmatched veteran support: In the upcoming November election, the choice before American voters is clear: a critical decision between continuing the malaise of Biden-Harris or a return to the transformative policies of former President Donald Trump.

As we weigh these choices, it is crucial to reflect on the tangible benefits that Trump’s administration brought to our veterans, working-class citizens, and the broader American workforce. The results of Trump’s policies in these areas present a compelling argument for why he deserves another term, particularly in contrast to the lackluster performance of President Joe Biden and the looming continuation of his policies under Vice President Kamala Harris.

Laura Ingraham: Kamala Harris is running from her record

Kamala Betrays Her Own Voters: Caves on Crucial Issues All Democrats Care About, And It Could Cost Her

Kamala Betrays Her Own Voters: Caves on Crucial Issues All Democrats Care About, And It Could Cost Her: To combat viral clips and ads that show Harris saying wacky liberal things, Democrats plan a two-pronged strategy designed to insult voters.

Despite Publicly Hyping Kamala Harris, Democrats Are Singing a Different Tune in Private: Report

Despite Publicly Hyping Kamala Harris, Democrats Are Singing a Different Tune in Private: Report: Behind the scenes, Democrats are much less optimistic about their likely nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.

Google Freaking Out After Elon Musk Retweets Proof of Election Interference

A 2019 essay details just what a horrible, arrogant boss Kamala is

A 2019 essay details just what a horrible, arrogant boss Kamala is: Up until about two minutes ago, Kamala Harris was universally acknowledged to be a terrible candidate, an irritating person, an ineffectual vice president with an extraordinarily low rating, and a terrible boss. The second she was anointed as the Democrat candidate, though, that all changed, and her elevation to a status somewhere between saint and rock star began. However, in a digital age, no matter how the media lie or the tech titans game internet searches, the past will find you. The latest example is a 2019 essay detailing just how horrible a boss Kamala Harris really is.

How NOAA Climate Catastrophists Mislead

How NOAA Climate Catastrophists Mislead : By now practically everyone who follows news and commentary about climate change has seen graphs of global warming over the past century or more. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) produced this one in 2017, covering 1880&ndas...

The Democrat Party is the Greatest Threat to America

The Democrat Party is the Greatest Threat to America: The greatest threat to the survival of the United States as founded is not offshore but within its borders: the Democrat Party controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction. Indicative of this dominance are the machinations surrounding the 2020 and the 2024 elections, which has brought this wing of the party to the final stages of achieving its long-term goal of transforming America into a one-party socialist oligarchy.

The American Left has long understood that in order to transform the United States, they would have to control one of two major political parties. The Left-leaning Democrat Party, thanks to the socialist sympathies of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, was the obvious target.

Different Puppet, Same Puppet Master


The Perfect Stooge: How Did Kamala Harris Get This Far?

The Perfect Stooge: How Did Kamala Harris Get This Far?: A vicious, conniving, immoral, unpopular, third-rate politician with extreme radical views has come to within an inch of the presidency. Kamala Harris could be sitting in the Oval Office as soon as next week. She is far from the best America has to offer. “In a functioning meritocracy,” said Tucker Carlson, “Kamala Harris would be a C-list massage therapist working out of a strip mall. Yet somehow she became our vice president. How’d that happen?”

It happened because the radical Left has been quietly but persistently winning the culture war by acquiring control over key elements of American society -- academia, journalism, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the Democrat party. It’s important to realize that it is not merely Kamala we are up against. We are facing a machine that has been grinding away for decades. “We’re not running against a candidate,” said Vivek Ramaswamy. “We’re running against a system.”

Mark Levin had the best analysis yet of Kamala Harris

Mark Levin had the best analysis yet of Kamala Harris: Mark Levin’s Saturday and Sunday prime time news analysis and commentary shows on FOX News, Life, Liberty & Levin, are appointment viewing but never more than last night. In his 19-minute program opening, Levin focused on Vice President Kamala Harris — the presumed Democrat nominee for president who was anointed less than a week ago.

Kamala’s Inappropriate Laughter Shows Her Sociopathy

Monday, July 29, 2024

The White House announces an insurrection to ‘reform’ the Supreme Court

The White House announces an insurrection to ‘reform’ the Supreme Court: The Constitution means what it says. It establishes all the lawful conditions that may be placed on each branch of government. However, Joe Biden announced today that his explicit goal is to override those conditions and he does so in a way manifestly intended to delegitimize the Supreme Court in the eyes of at least half of America. This is, effectively, an insurrection.

A Real Scream ...


Alarming Report: X/Twitter Still Suppressing Conservatives, Boosting Leftists

Alarming Report: X/Twitter Still Suppressing Conservatives, Boosting Leftists: A shocking study showed that X's algorithm still uses subjective criteria to amplify leftist politicians while suppressing conservatives.

Liberal Media Whitewashes History


Media’s Version of Harris is Unburdened by History

Media’s Version of Harris is Unburdened by History: Once again, the Democrats are offering up a woman candidate for president. And once again, it is an unlikeable candidate who owes her career to a far more skillful male politician. In Hillary’s case, it is her husband, Bill, a charismatic personality adept at the game. In Harris’s case, it was her lover Willie Brown who boosted her up the ladder and showered her with expensive gifts.

Yes, Kamala Harris Was the Border Czar

Yes, Kamala Harris Was the Border Czar: Now that Vice President Kamala Harris is the leading contender for the Democrat party’s presidential nomination, the corporate media are gaslighting the public to a degree many of us never thought possible.

The latest Orwellian history rewrite is whether Harris was President Biden’s “border czar.”  One example is left-wing Axios, called out via real fact-checking and X community notes, now denying that Harris was Biden’s border czar. 

The video Elon Musk dropped on X for all you non X users. This is hilarious...

Two Critical Battles Lie Ahead For Trump

Two Critical Battles Lie Ahead For TrumpIf Donald Trump wishes to implement his Trump 2.0 agenda, he must first win two critical battles: The Battle of the Steal and the Battle of the Deep State.

Precisely because the Democrat Party successfully stole the 2020 election, they will be pulling out all stops to do it again. The Trump campaign and the Republican Party will be hard-pressed to “Stop The Steal 2024”, but stop it they must, and they are probably fully aware of the stratagems they face.

Two visions of America

Two visions of America: Progressives were once content to be known as “liberals,” until Americans understood that political leaning had nothing to do with the traditional meaning of liberalism. Too many Americans had their number, so they rebranded as “progressives,” for who can be against progress? Anyone who currently has their number.

Kamala Harris would have us choose between two visions of America. One, what Democrats/socialists/communists (D/s/cs) are calling MAGA, would take America back to the evil, racist, sexist, whatever-phobic past. The other—Kamala’s vision--will take America into the brave, glorious progressive future. But just what is that “progress” she seeks?

Gutfeld: They're going to brainwash us on Kamala Harris

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Don’t be fooled by Kamala’s pro-Israel platitudes. She is pro-Iran and pro-Hamas.

Don’t be fooled by Kamala’s pro-Israel platitudes. She is pro-Iran and pro-Hamas.: If you’re a pro-American conservative, there are dozens of reasons to find Kamala Harris concerning, from borders to defunding the police to climate change to her DEI obsessions and so much more. And if you’re also a pro-Israel conservative, you must be very wary of her stance toward Israel.

Despite an apparently full-throated condemnation of the pro-Hamas protesters in D.C. the other day and her statement about supporting Israel after meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu (aka Bibi), Kamala is consistently hostile to Israel and supportive of Iran, which controls Hamas. This is clear from Kamala’s long history of actions and statements regarding Iran, Islam, and Israel.

CNN Poll: Nearly 40% of Americans worry about how they’re going to pay their bills under Democrats

CNN Poll: Nearly 40% of Americans worry about how they’re going to pay their bills under Democrats: Things are so economically sound and good…they’re worse than one of the worst financial crises in American history, the 2008 collapse and the Great Recession of the years following. At least, that’s according to a new poll conducted and published by CNN that revealed nearly forty percent of Americans are worried about their financial future, and how they’re going to afford to maintain their standard of living.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump Is Absolutely Smoking Kamala in Latest Rasmussen Poll

Trump Is Absolutely Smoking Kamala in Latest Rasmussen Poll: One of recent history's most accurate pollsters again showed Trump with a big lead nationwide, which should derail the Harris hype train.

Kamala Harris Should Never Be Commander in Chief

Kamala’s First Campaign Ad Is Total Bull!

Will RFK Jr be Trump’s vaccine czar?

Will RFK Jr be Trump’s vaccine czar?: In 2017, shortly before assuming the presidency, president-Elect Donald Trump asked Robert F. Kennedy Jr. if he would be willing to investigate one of Trump’s top-of-mind concerns -- the safety of vaccines. Trump’s goal, to have Kennedy chair a “Vaccine Safety and Scientific Integrity Commission,” was soon sidetracked by the Russiagate accusation and then Covid.

But it was not forgotten.

In a recent leaked videotaped discussion between Trump and Kennedy, Trump reminded Kennedy about their 2017 discussion and urged him to take on the vaccine issue again. “I would love you to do so,” Trump urged. 

CrowdStrike Offers Glimpse of Potential Cyber Apocalypse

CrowdStrike Offers Glimpse of Potential Cyber Apocalypse: Cyberattacks have truly become the digital equivalent of natural disasters -- sudden, catastrophic, and terrifyingly inevitable. The recent CrowdStrike update debacle, which triggered a global meltdown affecting multiple critical sectors, was a glaring example of this modern reality.

Imagine hospitals unable to access patient records, emergency services offline, airports grounded, and banks in utter disarray. This isn't the plot of a dystopian novel but the grim reality faced over the weekend by the world following the compromised CrowdStrike update. Reports on the ground detailed a scene of unprecedented chaos that unfolded as critical sectors went dark.

Watch Your Back


Democrats Bait and Switch Their Own Voters

Democrats Bait and Switch Their Own Voters: “Bait and switch” is a form of consumer fraud in which the seller offers a superior item at an attractive price but then withdraws that item and tries to get the buyer to purchase an inferior item at possibly a higher price.  “A ‘bait and switch’ is ... a violation of the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.”  The Democrat party just perpetrated this fraud on its own voters when, after baiting them with an offer of Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate, they sabotaged his candidacy, forced him to withdraw, and substituted Kamala Harris (AKA “Mike Nifong in a Pantsuit”) instead.  The Democrats did not allow their registered voters any opportunity to play a role in this selection process.

Trump Stands for America’s Veterans and Economy

Trump Stands for America’s Veterans and Economy: As November approaches, the choice facing American voters could not be more consequential. On one side stands Donald Trump, a figure whose administration has made substantial strides in reforming the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and revitalizing the economy. On the other side is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, whose administration has been marred by economic stagnation and faltering support systems for those who have served our country.

With Harris as the presumptive Democrat nominee, continuity of this underwhelming leadership seems inevitable. For the working man, the businessman, and indeed every American concerned with the future of our veterans and economic health, supporting Donald Trump emerges as a decisive, pragmatic choice.

Suburban moms focused on Kamala’s intersectionalism ignore their kids’ futures

Suburban moms focused on Kamala’s intersectionalism ignore their kids’ futures: The two greatest demographic bulwarks of the modern Democrat Party are urban blacks and suburban college-educated women. The first is a true mystery, given the degradation of our cities under 70 years of straight Democrat control. The second, though, is a less explored, greater mystery for at least one large subgroup:  Those suburban college-educated women with children.

Over the last 40 years (and accelerating over the last 15), there has been a significant decline in all types of education metrics in the US. Math scores. Reading scores. And try to get the average high schooler (or even college student) to write you a structured, grammatical, and coherent paragraph!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Kamala Takes The Wheel


Recently Retired Border Patrol Union President Lays Out the 'Very Disappointing' Truth About Kamala Harris' Immigration Efforts

Recently Retired Border Patrol Union President Lays Out the 'Very Disappointing' Truth About Kamala Harris' Immigration Efforts: Former border officials are speaking out regarding Vice President Kamala Harris' failures to address illegal immigration.

The press gins itself up to hurl Kamala Harris's record down the memory hole

The press gins itself up to hurl Kamala Harris's record down the memory hole: The press is in the sack for Kamala Harris, not just gushing over her candidacy, as if in relief that doddering Joe Biden is out of the picture, but going one worse by attempting to memory-hole all of the failures associated with the lightweight vice president taking his place on the Democrat ticket.

It's kind of disgusting. Elon Musk himself has noticed the matter, too.

Take Kamala's rating as the most far-left of senators, done by various groups that do such ratings. My Twitter search isn't working (wonder why) on this, but it's clear they're trying to erase that from the Internet, in a bid to clean up Kamala for voters, presenting the Berkeley, California native as a 'moderate' much as they did with Joe Biden himself in 2020. It's an easy fact that she was the most far-left member of the Senate, but now she's got an election to win for Democrats, so in come the censors.

Kamala Harris's Record Will HAUNT Her In November: Elizabeth Nolan Brown

I can't trust Kamala Harris -- and neither should you

I can't trust Kamala Harris -- and neither should you: Kamala Harris's rise in American politics has been hailed as a historic breakthrough. Yet a closer examination of her career reveals a trail of controversies and questionable decisions that raise serious doubts about her integrity and suitability as a political leader. From leveraging personal relationships for political gain to inconsistencies in her policy stances and questionable actions during her tenure as California’s top law enforcement official, Kamala Harris’s track record is riddled with actions that betray the trust of the American people. Her career, marred by allegations of opportunism, hypocrisy, and ethical lapses, provides compelling reasons to question her capability to lead with honesty and integrity. Here’s why Kamala Harris should be a figure of skepticism rather than trust in American politics.

No Matter How Often Leftism Fails, True Believers Never Face The Consequences

No Matter How Often Leftism Fails, True Believers Never Face The Consequences: Perhaps the most significant factor contributing to the Soviet Union’s collapse was a resolute commitment to the infallibility of socialist ideology, coupled with its continued application long after its obvious failure. The failure to learn history and, by extension, internalize the lessons from this dark period is what enables our modern-day Marxists (whom we refer to as “leftists” or “progressives”) to believe that they can somehow avoid the consequences of the policies they promote.

Newsweek descends deeper into the gutter of vile propaganda

Newsweek descends deeper into the gutter of vile propaganda: A lot of people assume that Democrats heavily influence the media. But that is not just an understatement but an inaccurate statement. To be influenced, the media and Democrats would have to be separate organizations. Also, the Democrats would have to employ their powers of persuasion to influence the media.

In reality, the media is the propaganda arm of the Democrats. There is no difference between the utterances of the press and the Democrats. If you want to know what the Democrat leadership is thinking, just follow in the mainstream media.

New Ad Exposes Pa. Gov. Shapiro's Record: All Talk, No Results

Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Price Trump?

What Price Trump?: The guy that “wasn’t going anywhere” is now gone. The Democrat party axe, poised squarely over Joe Biden’s head for days, has finally fallen. “Four more years,” a charade exposed for some time as preposterous on its face, has reached its ignominious end. Now thrice Covid-infected, Biden was not even able to withdraw with dignity in an Oval Office statement as did Lyndon Johnson in 1968. Instead, he was forced to release a letter on X while holed-up in his Rehoboth Beach retreat fighting a virus to which he’s particularly vulnerable and clearly not yet out of the woods.

Who’s in charge of Kamala Harris now?

Who’s in charge of Kamala Harris now?: Right now, the more interesting question is not who’s backing Kamala, but who’s in charge of her. For she is not only wildly unpopular in most polling, but she is also the VP who lost 92% of her staff in her first three years in that office.  

We can surmise that Kamala needs a lot of forceful “direction” from Obama’s stick-it-to-them backroom boys and girls.

The MSM is already telling us, as they will do, that we cannot criticize Kamala—full stop. DEI is in full control of the dialogue, with Kamala’s awkwardly giddy arrival on the present stage. With Her Cackleness, “free speech for me but not for thee” is alive and well—after the slight hiccup of silence from the press after Donald Trump’s recent attempted assassination (about which we yet remain factless).

Trump’s Courage and Biden’s Failures

Trump’s Courage and Biden’s Failures:“If I am killed I can die but once,” Lincoln was fond of saying, “but to live in constant dread is to die over and over again.” Pres. Trump’s clenched fist pumping in the air as he repeated “Fight!! Fight! Fight!” showed a courage parallel to that of Lincoln who took us through the Civil War knowing that his life was in jeopardy. America is in the grip of a woke mania that is sapping our strength. Hillary’s “it takes a village” instead of a family to build a society is destroying respect for our culture throughout the world. That socialistic/communistic mindset is fostering a further decline in the birthrate.

Female Barney Fife Quits Secret Service


Deep State Carnival Barkers Distract Us with Kamala

Deep State Carnival Barkers Distract Us with Kamala: Modern America is an amusement park in which voters are wowed with dizzying rides, funhouse mirrors, macabre horrors, and unexpected scares.  It is filled with plot twists and cliffhangers that keep Americans on the edge of their seats.  Expectations are built up like an inflated water balloon until a sudden explosion triggers surprise and regret.  A manufactured cycle of psychological highs and lows keeps Americans’ attention directed toward anything that is glamorous and away from everything that matters.

Congress Must Appoint An Independent Investigator For The Assassination Attempt

Congress Must Appoint An Independent Investigator For The Assassination Attempt: Currently, Congress seems content to allow the FBI to investigate what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. This is the wrong approach. Because the government has an incentive to hide its own failures, when it comes to the attempt to assassinate Trump, especially given the U.S. Secret Service’s known failures, the must be an independent investigation.

Democracy is Under Attack, But Not By Trump

Democracy is Under Attack, But Not By Trump: Joe Biden has officially withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race. Despite his persistent claims that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and that he would be the one to defeat him, Biden's withdrawal serves as proof that it is Biden and his party who are attacking democracy, not President Trump.

Despite President Trump taking many actions in his first term that made America safer and more prosperous, Democrats have relentlessly attempted to paint him as a tyrannical threat to democracy since he announced his 2024 bid for the White House. They cite issues such as “election denialism,” the January 6th “insurrection,” alleged “attacks on reproductive rights,” and his sarcastic comment about being a dictator for just one day as evidence that he is a dictator-in-waiting and a threat to democracy. However, keeping the definition of democracy in mind, these claims are categorically untrue.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Democrats: The George Costanza of politics

Democrats: The George Costanza of politics: Oh, what might have been! The stunning escapade of events that have plagued the Democrat Party the past several weeks could’ve largely been avoided if only Democrats trafficked more frequently in the truth. For example, if the passionate cascade of calls for Joe Biden to exit the presidential race had occurred this time last year, the Democrat party likely would not now be stuck with one of the two holdovers from what has been a disastrous presidential administration.

Similarities between Alexander Hamilton and JD Vance

Similarities between Alexander Hamilton and JD Vance: The childhoods of Alexander Hamilton and JD Vance were quite similar, and the similarities don’t end there. Both had the strong writing skills, energy, industry, and intelligence which led others to take them under their wings and advance their careers. Both had stints in the American military and became proponents of peace through strength, and both became huge proponents of American manufacturing as a key to America’s future prosperity.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Donald Trump And ‘That Moment’ In Time When He Was Saved

Donald Trump And ‘That Moment’ In Time When He Was Saved: The books that became the Bible were originally written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. After years of study, I can now pick my way through the original Greek text but don’t accuse me of being fluent. Unlike my older brother, who sleep-talked in German in college (he was studying it then), I don’t dream in Greek and only use it when I’m fully awake exploring a theological point. So why would I wake up with a Greek word— Ekeinos—ringing in my ears? (I’ll explain below the phrase’s import.)

Kamala Takes The Wheel


Biden’s Parting Gift to the Democrat Establishment

Biden’s Parting Gift to the Democrat Establishment : As many have expected, Joe Biden has withdrawn from the presidential race. His timing is perfect to allow a high-stakes event at the convention next month where the party’s new candidate will be anointed (which I predicted here, here, here). All evidence suggests that he didn’t withdraw willingly, and some have even theorized that the announcement went out without his approval or knowledge. Whether the latter is true or not is largely irrelevant, because what appears certain is that Biden was the victim of a coup orchestrated by several nefarious conspirators..

Sunday, July 21, 2024

People are questioning whether Biden actually resigned or was the victim of a coup

People are questioning whether Biden actually resigned or was the victim of a coup: For now, I’m taking at face value that Biden has withdrawn from the presidential campaign via a tweeted-out letter, with the promise of a live statement to follow. However, a surprising number of people believe that, considering how consequential Biden’s statement is, a tweeted-out letter suggests a coup rather than a voluntary resignation. More than anything, this reveals how the Biden administration has destroyed all trust in the government.

Democrats: Time For A Change


Biden has resigned from the campaign but not the presidency

Biden has resigned from the campaign but not the presidency: In an event unprecedented in American political history, the Democrats’ pressure campaign against the manifestly demented Joe Biden has worked. Via letter, Biden announced today that he is dropping out of the campaign, although he will remain in office.

This puts a new spin on the race because Kamala has historically been even less popular than Biden. What we can expect next is a battle to name a competent vice presidential candidate, a PR campaign to convince voters that they should ignore the Democrats’ years-long fraud, and (possibly) a debate about whether Biden can remain in office.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Can Joe Biden take a hint?


The Hydroxychloroquine Crime

The Hydroxychloroquine Crime: More than four years ago, Democrat leaders colluded with the WHO (as part of the wannabe global government) and Big Tech to perpetrate a horrific crime: the denial of access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and other lifesaving COVID-19 treatments.  The primary purpose was to legalize fraud-ridden voting by mail and seize power following the 2020 elections.  Once in power, the perpetrators were able to cover up this crime even though it is ongoing.  The FDA continues to reject HCQ and the even less controversial ivermectin (IVM).  Instead, it pushes the harmful and dangerous quasi-vaccine.

Who Can Donald Trump Count On?

Who Can Donald Trump Count On?: Donald Trump may very well be the next president of the United States. But when the going inevitably gets tough, who can a future President Trump look to for support?

The GOP? (pause here for laughter to subside.)

The GOPES stood by as the rest of the Deep State ran coups against Donald Trump before, during, and after his first term in office. They tut-tutted, harrumphed, and penned strongly worded letters, while their party’s leader was soundly and roundly abused.

Donald Trump Versus American Socialists

Donald Trump Versus American Socialists: Robert Kennedy Jr. stated that Biden is more dangerous to democracy than Donald Trump. Robert is misguided; Biden is senile and does not pose a threat to anyone. It’s the entire Democrat party that’s the greatest threat to our democracy.

During the 1960 presidential debates, Robert’s uncle, John Kennedy, highlighted the ideological difference between the Democrat and Republican parties. “We have a different philosophy for achieving the same objectives,” he said (emphasis added).

The times have changed, and the modern Democrat party is not the party of John Kennedy.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Trump-Vance IS the Winning Ticket: Jim Rickards Predicts

Trump as a Greek myth

Trump as a Greek myth: Donald Trump has become unique in American history.  He has survived and prevailed against so many plots of evil hypocrisy, so many creatures of wickedness risen against him, trying to take him off course, to destroy him, his circle, and his supporters.  There have been many great presidents, but perverted ideologies and pervasive new technologies have enabled a depth of vilification and persecution of Trump unparalleled in American history.  Yet he triumphs.

Did Jill Biden get the Secret Service's 'A' team, leaving President Trump with just its farm team?

Did Jill Biden get the Secret Service's 'A' team, leaving President Trump with just its farm team?: President Trump was subject to an assassination attempt the Secret Service should have protected him from.

Congress has been asking questions all week, and met with mostly stonewalling from the agencies involved.

Now Sen. Josh Hawley is hearing from Secret Service whistleblowers, about yet another problem.

Tucker Carlson full speech | 2024 Republican National Convention

‘It just sickens me’: Douglas Murray slams the Secret Service’s DEI quota

Can the Democrats defeat an actual legend?

Can the Democrats defeat an actual legend?: The Tik Tok video clip that’s gone viral on social media features six Ugandan kids standing on a wall as though it’s a stage. The small one up front is standing behind three stacked plastic milk crates. A pretend microphone made of a stick and a garbage bag rolled up into a ball is taped to the top. Those milk crates are his podium.  Two boys on both sides flank the group while holding toy rifles.

A group of six smaller Ugandan kids stand below facing the group on the wall. These kids are the pretend-audience. The actual soundtrack of Donald Trump’s speech in Butler, Pennsylvania plays as we hear the moment the attempted assassination happened.

Dems Show Biden The Exit


Don’t Mourn the ‘Old’ Republican Party

Don’t Mourn the ‘Old’ Republican Party: Donald Trump’s refashioning of the Republican party finally brought middle- and working-class Americans in without consigning them to the back of the bus.  Trump and J.D. Vance envision a Republican party that works for American workers and the American middle class that is the bulk of social and economic stabilization. 

It’s about time.  In fact, it’s more than 50 years overdue.

Trump’s Resilience And The Inevitable Endpoint of Democrat Politics

Trump’s Resilience And The Inevitable Endpoint of Democrat Politics: What’s interesting is that, as every day goes by, we’ve found out more about the utterly absurd events that put Trump at risk. We discovered that the DEI clown running the Secret Service diverted Trump’s usual detail to protect her patron, Jill Biden, leaving Trump with the practice squad. Worse, we learned that the building upon which the would-be assassin set himself didn’t have a sniper on it because the roof was sloped—so a Secret Service sniper might fall off—and that authorities knew the killer was there for more than 20 minutes before the first shot rang out. Agents were even in the building itself! The most charitable assessment is that those in charge are utterly incompetent imbeciles. A less charitable assessment would conclude that they were somehow complicit in the attack.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

SURPRISE RNC MOMENT: Trump's Granddaughter Kai Comes Onstage And Praises Grandfather

Secret Service Director: Oh my God

Secret Service Director: Oh my God: All roofs are sloped. It’s necessary for water run off.  Even roofs that aren’t peaked are sloped. While it’s possible some adults might not be consciously aware of this simple fact of building construction, one might expect someone who spent 27 years in the Secret Service, and who is its current director to know that. One would think wrong

Democrats’ greatest fear is coming true: Black men and young people like Trump

Democrats’ greatest fear is coming true: Black men and young people like Trump: For decades, Democrats had a lock on two very important demographics: blacks and the youth vote. Part of the Democrats’ screaming panic and hyperbole in this election cycle is because both of those groups are waking up to the fact that the Democrat party is not serving them well.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A look at Biden's Secret Service chief as a DEI hire

A look at Biden's Secret Service chief as a DEI hire: Kimberly Cheatle has been the Director of the Secret Service for less than two years.  She has had a 25-year career with the Service, holding multiple positions until she was appointed by President Biden as its Director in 2022.

Based on her biography, there are signs she was a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) hire.

The Boomerang Effect


Two key moments that showed President Trump is a true leader

Two key moments that showed President Trump is a true leader: Reports are that the far-left ruling class is resigned to a second Trump presidency, with it less likely that Biden will be replaced simply because any “Democrat” will suffer an ignominious defeat.  And it would seem they’re trying to salvage the down-ballot races at this point.  We are, of course, several months away from the election season, with plenty of the sinister side not being shy of winning by any means necessary, and we’ve seen what that entails.

This means that we need all hands on deck in not being complacent and developing ways of selling the pro-freedom message to the people.  President Trump has become more disciplined, and this is “terrifying” the far left.

New report: Average American household has paid thousands more in energy costs since 2021 thanks to Biden’s policies

New report: the average American household has paid thousands more in energy costs since 2021 thanks to Biden’s policies: You may recall one of Joe Biden’s most tone-deaf comments in which he stated that Americans “have the money” to deal with the crushing inflation and financial stress brought by his policies, like inviting millions of individuals from the third world to become dependents of the American taxpayers, completely random deficit spending in the hundreds of billions, student loan taxpayer bailouts and Zelesnky’s routine allowance, and attacking affordable and established energy industries; it is this last consideration that deserves more attention today.

According to a new report out from The Heartland Institute (THI), the average American household has paid thousands of dollars more in energy costs between 2021 when Biden took office and last year; that “average” comes in at almost $2,548, which also works out to be just about $850 per year. The authors of the report also note that by now that number is likely higher, considering the cost increases incurred thus far in 2024.

The Secret Service Story is Starting to Stink

The Secret Service Story is Starting to Stink: It’s beginning to look as if I was far too quick to give thanks that “the Secret Service is, apparently, not as corrupt as the FBI.”

We’re now learning, among other things, that Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of second- and third-stringers, with more experienced agents having been pulled away to protect “Dr.” Jill Biden, and that even the Secret Service director is a “DEI” (“Diversity, Equity, Inclusion”) hire, put in place under a doctrine that amounts to “Affirmative Action on steroids,” replacing meritocracy with “qualifications” based on identity politics.

Joe Biden's Wall


JD Vance: The Perfect Pick

JD Vance: The Perfect Pick: President Donald Trump chose Ohio senator J.D. Vance to be his running mate for the 2024 presidential election, and though there are plenty of naysayers citing Vance’s past criticisms of the 45th president, he is the perfect choice to represent Americans.

When Trump first announced his candidacy, I was not enthused.  This was the dude from Home Alone 2.  I’d seen him on an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  He has been in Pizza Hut commercials and was nothing more than a rich businessman to me at the time.  I had never watched The Apprentice, but I’d heard plenty of annoying tidbits about it.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Legacy Media Has Passed the Point of No Return

The Legacy Media Has Passed the Point of No Return: Joe Biden’s one major accomplishment during his calamitous tenure as president is to abet the legacy media in their head-first dash into permanent and irretrievable disrepute. The legacy media’s self-prostitution in concealing and downplaying Biden’s accelerating senescence, and mindlessly promoting and justifying the assassination of Donald Trump are the final straws that have sealed their fate.

The Trump-Biden debate on June 27, 2024 exposed that for nearly five years the legacy media has deliberately obfuscated, excused, and outright lied about what was obvious to the bulk of the American citizenry: Biden’s unmistakably accelerating mental infirmity.  Thus, they chose to place the well-being of the nation and its citizens in jeopardy by promoting an obviously compromised and feeble-minded president at the helm.

Into The Future ...


Lowman S. Henry: Why the Left is in meltdown over Project 2025

  When Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts termed the think tank’s Project 2025 “the second American revolution,” the Left went into meltdown — something it has been doing daily over the past few weeks.

Roberts’ comments about a second American Revolution came while most Americans were enjoying backyard barbeques and watching fireworks celebrating the first American Revolution. Tossing off the yoke of oppressive government is imbedded in our DNA so what Roberts said was not very, well, revolutionary.

Ensuing coverage of Project 2025 was predictably distorted and demonized by Left-wing politicians and the sycophants in the legacy news media. In a nutshell, the goal of Project 2025 is to greatly diminish the role of the unelected bureaucrats in the executive branch frequently referred to as the deep state.

The Left has used the deep state to preserve and expand its power even during Republican presidential administrations. It is very much aware of the importance of maintaining its regulatory hold over every facet of our economy and hence our everyday lives. That Heritage has devised a vehicle for not only diminishing — but reversing — that power strikes at the core of the Left’s control of the federal government.

Exacerbating the Left’s reaction to Heritage’s blueprint for bringing the administrative state to heel is their loss of power and the looming loss of power in the other components of the federal government.

For many decades the Supreme Court of the United States was populated by activist justices who formed the last line of defense for Left-wing policies. The high court now sports a judicial majority guided by the Constitution rather than by political ideology. The result is a slow but steady erosion of the deep state’s powers.

The recent session of the high court resulted in rulings adverse to the deep state. Most notably the court ruled unconstitutional the so-called Chevron deference which gave federal agencies the power to adjudicate disputes arising from their own regulations. In effect for the past 40 years, Chevron was the equivalent of having the referees employed by one of the competing teams. As a result of the Chevron decision, such disputes must now be resolved by the judicial branch.

Congress has frequently purposefully passed vague laws ceding to regulatory agencies the job of filling in the details. The Supreme Court is saying that Congress must be more precise, especially when broad-based economic factors are at issue. In so doing the high court is taking power from unelected bureaucrats and returning it to our elected representatives.

The Left is also facing a loss of congressional power. This year one-third of the seats in the U.S. Senate are up for election. Democrats hold twice as many of those seats as Republicans. Currently, Democrats hold a one-seat majority in the upper chamber. Republicans are certain to flip the U.S. Senate seat in West Virginia. Ohio and Montana are states with incumbent Democrat senators up for election this year that were won by Donald Trump in 2020 and thus represent opportunity for Republicans.

Add in Democrat-held seats up for election in states won by Donald Trump in 2016 — Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan — and a formerly reliable Democrat seat in Maryland at risk due to the popularity of former Republican Gov. Larry Hogan — and odds are Republicans will win a senate majority.

Republicans currently hold a slim majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. There has been considerable jousting in several states over the drawing of congressional district lines, but that has essentially ended in a stand-off. Control of that chamber remains a toss-up.

Adding to Left-wing angst has been the implosion of President Joe Biden’s candidacy in the wake of his disastrous debate performance. Democrats have now engaged in weeks of infighting over whether or not Biden should remain at the top of the ticket. With the even less popular Vice President Kamala Harris as the most likely alternative, Democrats are currently in a death spiral with their nominating convention just weeks away.

Add all of this together and the deep state becomes the Left’s last bastion of power. Project 2025 flips the script and replaces the socialist agenda of the Left with policies designed to empower free markets and restore individual liberty. Thus the “Second American Revolution” renews the spirit of 1776.

Lowman S. Henry is Chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly American Radio Journal and Lincoln Radio Journal. His e-mail address is

Unanswered Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt

Unanswered Questions About the Trump Assassination Attempt: Donald J. Trump didn’t have to run for president in 2015, or in 2020, or in 2024. He had a magnificent life. Why subject himself to the barbs and arrows of a political class and their media allies well-versed in the politics of personal destruction?

Only one reason: because he loved his country to the extent he was willing to sacrifice his wealth, livelihood and even his life to serve it.

Donald Trump is the only president to have left the White House poorer than when he took office.

I believe God himself protected Donald Trump on Saturday. Just a few millimeters in either direction, and the many bullets his would-be assassin fired at him would have blown his brains out.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Larry Kudlow: Trump will join the list of America's very greatest presidents

Trump Looks Stronger Than Ever and Biden Looks Weaker Than Ever Now

They look just like the Keystone Kops: The DEI Secret Service in inaction

They look just like the Keystone Kops: The DEI Secret Service in inaction: I’m sure by now everyone has seen near-endless replays of the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump on a campaign swing through Butler, Pennsylvania, hard on to the Ohio border.  Real MAGA country. 

If you’ve done that, you’ve seen how the Secret Service didn’t perform.  Sadly, they looked like a bunch of Keystone Kops, a slapstick band of inept cops whose silent movie performances were so inept that your only options are to laugh at the insanity, or cry at, well, the insanity.

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet ...


Bongino Breaks Down Woke Secret Service Failures Point by Point, And It's Absolutely Chilling

Bongino Breaks Down Woke Secret Service Failures Point by Point, And It's Absolutely Chilling: Former Secret Service officer Dan Bongino reviewed the actions of the Secret Service at the Pennsylvania Trump rally on Saturday.

The lunatic fringe on MSNBC exposed by its own bosses

Security expert is embarrassed by the Secret Service response

Young, dumb, and full of Democrat party hate

Young, dumb, and full of Democrat party hate: Those of us not blinded by TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome,) have a fairly clear picture, primarily based on the first, of what a second Trump administration would look like; deregulation, energy independence, aversion to foreign adventurism in the name of “defending democracy” and general peace and prosperity.  I’ve long wondered why these ideals are anathema to the leftist Marxist Globalist cabal of our betters.  Don’t wait, I don’t have an answer to this. 

Pro-Trump Black Voters Totally Destroy 'Daily Show' Segment Meant to Undermine Trump

Pro-Trump Black Voters Totally Destroy 'Daily Show' Segment Meant to Undermine Trump: "The Daily Show" tried to sway black voters away from former President Donald Trump, but it didn't go as intended.

Biden Doesn’t Stand A Chance Against This Image!

Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked | Episode 2

Secret Service failure

Secret Service failure: Some thoughts on the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump. First, regarding the Secret Service. It is all well and good that the agents at the scene reacted as trained and instantly covered and shielded the former president with their bodies, willingly accepting the possibility of being mortally wounded in the interest of protecting Donald Trump. However, that type of response indicates an abject failure of the protective mission. It seems that only a providential head turn to the right saved Donald Trump’s life.

The assassination attempt on Trump’s life has made the American divide clearer than ever

The assassination attempt on Trump’s life has made the American divide clearer than ever: The horrific event that occurred on Saturday in Butler, PA, has made the ideological and moral divide between Americans appallingly clear.  Those of us who are still reeling from what might have been are learning just how venal the Trump-hating left actually is.  What is coming out of their mouths and tweets is beyond shocking.  Sure, we’ve all known they loathe Trump and support the catastrophically diminished Biden but who knew just how conscienceless the left is today?

Trump triumphant: Judge Cannon just dismissed Jack Smith’s Mar-a-Lago case

Trump triumphant: Judge Cannon just dismissed Jack Smith’s Mar-a-Lago case: Justice Cannon, who has been presiding over the Mar-a-Lago documents case that purported “special prosecutor” Jack Smith brought against Donald Trump, just dismissed the case. Her decision, echoing Justice Clarence Thomas’s analysis in Trump v. United States, held that Jack Smith wasn’t properly appointed and had no authority to indict Trump. Feeling themselves ascendant, the Democrats built an anti-Trump lawfare fortress. However, it was always built on sand, and, with the tide turned, it’s collapsing on them at warp speed.

The Hand of God


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump, Like Reagan, Credits 'God Alone' with Saving His Life: 'He Prevented the Unthinkable'

Trump, Like Reagan, Credits 'God Alone' with Saving His Life: 'He Prevented the Unthinkable': Former President Donald Trump credited "God alone" with saving his life from an assassination attempt on Saturday in Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump proved that he is undeniably a true and pure braveheart

Donald Trump proved that he is undeniably a true and pure braveheart: The best way or perhaps the only way to judge a man is to place him in the worst circumstances. 

The true character of an individual is usually revealed when an individual is confronted with even small perils. 

The immediate reaction to even a relatively innocuous experience of tripping over an obstacle on the pavement is panic. If the fall causes any kind of injury, even if it is a slight shredding of the skin and superficial bleeding, the fear is multiplied. The trauma often lasts all through the day and perhaps beyond. 

Who really tried to assassinate President Donald J. Trump?

Who really tried to assassinate President Donald J. Trump?: The trigger in the gun was pulled by many hands!

The media tried to assassinate Trump.  From the time he came powerfully down that escalator in New York, looking every bit the prize fighter he exhibited yesterday, the press was and is merciless. They have mocked him and attacked, slandered and defamed him, but they have not taken him out.

The Democrats have tried to assassinate Trump. They called him illegitimate, they called him a tyrant; President Biden who went all wobbly tonight, is still calling him a threat to democracy; many have wished him dead. Thank G-d that wish did not come true today. 

It’s time to talk about the Secret Service problem we saw yesterday *UPDATED*

It’s time to talk about the Secret Service problem we saw yesterday *UPDATED*: In Butler, Pennsylvania, however, not only did the Secret Service seemingly make no effort to control a rooftop within relatively easy shooting distance of a former president and current presidential candidate, but Secret Service agents also seemed disinterested in repeated warnings that a man with a gun had crawled on top of a building that gave him a clear shot at President Trump. 



Trump is shot; resilient and courageous. And America?

Trump is shot; resilient and courageous. And America?: The shots heard ‘round the world were fired from a spot in Butler, Pennsylvania—a small town in the formerly United States of America.

Needless to say, it is not a good look for the increasingly banana-esque republic, but those who churn with hatred of Donald Trump care only about stopping the man … one way or another. It was only a matter of time before this. Or worse.

Trump’s Reagan-esque reaction to being shot, blood on his face, fist in the air, jaw set, make for a remarkable and stirring picture.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

What if the U.S. had been told to stop fighting Japan during WWII, the way Israel is being told to stop fighting Hamas?

What if the U.S. had been told to stop fighting Japan during WWII, the way Israel is being told to stop fighting Hamas?: No matter its stated reasons, no matter how misguided its policy, the United States administration, advised by its historically anti-Israel Department of State, is putting severe pressure on Israel to stop fighting Hamas in Gaza, without permitting it first to achieve its war aim of complete destruction of this threat to its existence. They are doing it without regard for the consequences to Israel, its population, and to the Western world. 

Obama’s Idea of ‘Democracy’

Obama’s Idea of ‘Democracy’ : Ever since he dazzled the world with speechifying on behalf of the common man at the 2004 Democrat convention, Barack Obama has been pushing his own brand of “democracy.” Here we are, in 2024, and Joe Biden is parroting the Obama “d...

Leftists’ Orwellian language nullifies federal laws about funding obscenity in schools

Leftists’ Orwellian language nullifies federal laws about funding obscenity in schools: I recently stumbled across 20 U.S.C. §7906, which bans federal funds from being used to encourage sexual activity or distribute “legally obscene materials” in schools. One would think that this statute, especially when combined with 18 U.S.C. §1466A (which defines pornography vis-à-vis minors), would put an end to the battle over books such as Gender Queer in school libraries or Pride flags festooning classrooms. However, by redefining child abuse, leftists have also redefined what constitutes child obscenity.

Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked | Episode 1

The Dems publicly declare their intent to commit election fraud

The Dems publicly declare their intent to commit election fraud: “There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud and tyranny.”  --Frederick William Robertson   On Wednesday, the SAVE Act, Safeguard American Voter Eligibility, was passed by the House despit...

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Democrats That Make My Skin Crawl | Adam Carolla & Dave Rubin

The Ninth Circuit shoots down COVID vaccine

The Ninth Circuit shoots down COVID vaccine: The COVID shot was put on trial in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and coming from California the result might surprise you.  Three of four judges agree it was never a “traditional vaccine” and therefore cou...

A newly disciplined Trump is driving the left nuts

A newly disciplined Trump is driving the left nuts: Have you noticed in the past few days that President Trump has taken the erstwhile advice of Napoleon and stayed out of the way while the ruling-class “Democratic” party has waged a civil war within its highbrow ranks?  There was a time when the fascist far left and the nation’s socialist media (but there we go, repeating ourselves) dearly depended on a “mean tweet” that they could demonize for days and the better part of several news cycles to cover any mistakes they made.  But now something seems to be different, and it’s driving the fascist far left insane — better yet, let’s say further insane.

Today's left-wing meltdown ...


Trump Strengthened Our Economy by Restoring American Leadership Abroad

Trump Strengthened Our Economy by Restoring American Leadership Abroad : As we approach the pivotal election of November, the choice before us is stark and significant. The contrast between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is not merely a matter of personality or political party; it is a choice between restoring American leader...

Victor Davis Hanson on the Illusion of Invincibility

Victor Davis Hanson on the Illusion of Invincibility: The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation, Victor Davis Hanson.  Basic Books, 2024.  287 pp. Victor Davis Hanson’s latest book is a macabre warning to an aging America as it closes in on its 250th birthday....

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden for President Rally Results in Utter Humiliation for Campaign: 'More News Reporters Than Attendees'

Biden for President Rally Results in Utter Humiliation for Campaign: 'More News Reporters Than Attendees': A recent rally for President Biden's 2024 campaign ended in disaster on Thursday when virtually no one showed up.

Kamala Harris Would Be Worse Than President Biden

Our part-time president ...


If Woke Leftists Wrote the Preamble Today

If Woke Leftists Wrote the Preamble Today: The Preamble to the Constitution unambiguously lays out the intentions of the Framers and the scope of the document. The Preamble is the precursor to the law of our land, the prologue.   If the Constitution were a graduate school dissert...

Of Course Biden Won the Rigged Democrat Primaries

Of Course Biden Won the Rigged Democrat Primaries: In an effort to stave off the calls for him to drop out of the race for President, in a letter to congressional Democrats, Joe Biden boldly declared, We had a Democratic nomination process and the voters have spoken clearly and decisively. I rec...

Nothing matters (in elections) more than election integrity

Nothing matters (in elections) more than election integrity: With all the questions and issues surrounding the upcoming 2024 election, the elephant in the room is the overwhelming possibility of election fraud.  Nothing else matters more.

Somehow, it has become unfashionable to mention that beast.  That alone is a dangerous development.  Somehow, the incident (not “insurrection”) of January 6, 2021 has been twisted into the meme that only those who are irrational conspiracy theorists could believe that widespread electoral fraud could possibly occur in a national election.  The words “without evidence” are routinely appended to President Trump’s so-called “election denial,” when in fact, mountains of evidence were produced contemporaneously, with more having been discovered since.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Apologies to Led Zeppelin


Victor Davis Hanson: Bidengate and the Doom Loop

Bidengate and the Doom Loop 

Democrats in Deep Blue State Are in Panic Mode: 'We're a Battleground State Now'

Democrats in Deep Blue State Are in Panic Mode: 'We're a Battleground State Now': "It’s never been more important for a Democratic House member to focus on building their own local brand and to run on that."

The country is run by a ‘demented royal family’: Gutfeld

The main reason Joe Biden should not be president

The main reason Joe Biden should not be president: It didn’t work.  Joe Biden’s friendly 22-minute interview with George Stephanopolous did little to nothing to quell the calls from Democrats that Biden should drop out of the race for U.S. president.

This should come as no surprise.  For anyone who was willing to see it, it has been quite obvious that Joe Biden has been in a frail and declining mental and physical state for years now.  This was clear well prior to the 2020 election.

The Trump campaign ran an ad in August of 2020 that highlighted Biden’s mental decline.  No doubt this is one of the reasons why the drive-by media refused to cover Biden’s numerous health issues.  They sacrificed the truth because none of them wanted to be seen as aiding Trump, or even giving any credibility to his campaign.  In other words, they lied about Biden simply because they hated Trump.

The insanity of Biden’s NATO support for Ukraine

The insanity of Biden’s NATO support for Ukraine: The recent announcement by President Biden to bolster Ukraine's defenses with state-of-the-art Patriot missile systems has raised significant concerns about escalating the conflict with Russia into a potential nuclear war. The decision underscores the multi-million dollar private Biden family backdoor deal to support Ukraine.

Cannard’s canard: Problems with Biden’s mental fitness diagnosis

Cannard’s canard: Problems with Biden’s mental fitness diagnosis: During the White House briefing of July 8, spokesperson Kringe On-Pierre (no relation to Stratford-upon-Avon), repeatedly refused to identify the neurologist who examined Poseur Biden.  

Later that day, White House physician Kevin O’Connor addressed the matter and identified Kevin Cannard as the neurology doc who examined Biden (D-Ementia) during his annual physical.  .

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

When Democratic Party Bosses No Longer Have Use For You ...


Illegals are indeed getting immediate Social Security, contrary to Democrat claims

Illegals are indeed getting immediate Social Security, contrary to Democrat claims: Who needs U.S. citizenship, or for that matter, legal authorization to live in the U.S. when you've got Joe Biden's open borders?

That looks like the story with illegals receiving Social Security benefits, a lifetime benefit that until recently had been perceived as nominally reserved for U.S. citizens, not illegal border crossers, and which Democrats are now trying to debunk.

Just one year after its creation, FEMA migrant program nearly doubles in cost

Just one year after its creation, FEMA migrant program nearly doubles in cost: Beginning in 2023, cities around the U.S. began to receive funds from FEMA to alleviate the orchestrated, growing, and unaffordable financial burden on taxpayers in regards to the invasion of third world migrants coming for welfare—it’s called the “Shelter and Services Program” and it’s costing us an arm and a leg.

For FY 2023, the program cost $363.8 million; just one year later, the invoice had nearly doubled, shooting up to $650 million. Now, government officials, from the local levels to Washington D.C.’s are asking for as much as three billion dollars for FY 2025.

Inch by inch, the Supreme Court is clawing back constitutional governance in the USA

Inch by inch, the Supreme Court is clawing back constitutional governance in the USA: Despite all the recent talk about “our democracy,” the United States today is not a democracy. This is easy to understand. The concept of democracy says that the people governed are the government. In a large civilization, this means not a direct democracy but a representative democracy, which sees the people’s elected representatives make the laws. Today, though, most of the “laws” that govern the people do not come from their elected representatives. Instead, executive branch agencies promulgate them contrary to Article I of the US Constitution. That provides “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

‘Gutfeld!’: This cover-up isn’t going away

Monday, July 08, 2024

Trump just isn't that mean

Trump just isn't that mean: It seems that all I’ve been doing lately is fielding pieces apologizing for Donald Trump’s personality. You know, the “mean tweets,” the aggressive remarks, the unwillingness to back down before a hostile establishment.

I’m sure that these writers mean well. (As opposed to those “conservative” writers who think that this is the right time to openly attack Trump for perceived personal and political failings, most of which exist only in the dark recesses of the writer’s brain.) All the same, it’s still a blunder in that it plays directly into the media’s narrative of Trump as a brutal, incorrigible thug.

One More Question ...


Joe Biden Has Alzheimer’s

Joe Biden Has Alzheimer’s: A recent New York Post article forced this physician-author to face facts. Our president meets all the medical criteria for a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Not being a psychiatrist, I reviewed recent information on this dreaded disease. I also had personal experience as my British mother (I had two, biologic was American) demonstrated Alzheimer’s for her final three years before she died at age 95.

While signs have been present for years, when presidential aides described their fear of Joe Biden’s “hair-trigger temper” because any little thing could “set him off,” the diagnosis is no longer in doubt. One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s is sudden, inappropriate anger with any change in normal routine (#7 below).

‘They’ shrieked about ‘global warming’ — but now they admit we were ‘accidentally cooling’

‘They’ shrieked about ‘global warming’ — but now they admit we were ‘accidentally cooling’: When it comes to climate science, basically, researchers, mainstream media outlets, the UN, and the Democrats simply make things up as they go along to fit the narrative. 

When the earth didn’t warm up as much as they predicted, they changed the terminology from global warming to climate change.

When hundreds of dire predictions never came true, and they had no scientific data to support their policies to destroy industries and our quality and way of life, they just made things up, just like they did with COVID.

How do you solve a problem like Kamala?

How do you solve a problem like Kamala?: The cackling diversity hire of a vice president is a disaster, not just for Democrat election prospects, but for the nation and the world.  Let us review her portfolio.

She entered the 2019 presidential primary, but dropped out of the race early, after being crushed in the debate by Tulsi Gabbard.  Her one shining debate moment was when she accurately condemned Biden for working with segregationists, stopping just short of calling him a racist.

She earned zero delegates in the primary.

Lies Democrats Told Us


Biden’s failure vs. Trump’s success

Biden’s failure vs. Trump’s success: In November, as Americans prepare to cast their votes, they face a critical decision that goes beyond mere political preference—it’s a choice with profound implications for the nation’s economy and security.

At the heart of this decision is the stark contrast between the proven leadership of Donald Trump, an unwavering advocate for both the working class and the business community, and the faltering policies of Joe Biden. This choice resonates deeply as it reflects on tangible impacts felt across every corner of American society.

Like Bidenflation? Now comes Bidenrecession

Like Bidenflation? Now comes Bidenrecession: Having done what Democrats do, which is spend taxpayer cash, it looks like the piper is coming for payment.

Via Instapundit, Fortune magazine's Jason Ma reports that a key indicator for recession appears to be activating.

Biden's Dementia: What Did They Know and When Did They Know It?

Biden's Dementia: What Did They Know and When Did They Know It? -Updated: “What did the president know, and when did he know it?”

This famous question was asked 50 years ago by Sen. Howard Baker about the Watergate scandal.

This eventually brought down President Richard Nixon, leading to the installation of President Gerald R. Ford and his vice president, Nelson Rockefeller.

Neither were elected by the people, they were instead selected by the ruling class.

Friday, July 05, 2024

The Media Lied About Biden’s Cognitive Decline - Until They Couldn’t Anymore

Swing State Supreme Court Hands Democrats a Win, Reverses Ballot Drop Box Order

Swing State Supreme Court Hands Democrats a Win, Reverses Ballot Drop Box Order: A key swing state's liberal court majority overturned a prior ruling that banned ballot drop boxes from the state.

Captain Biden and Co-Pilot Kamala


The media loses the game

The media loses the game: We are faced with the truth that the media, as it stands right now, is heavily biased to the Left. This isn't news, but it is a most painful, debilitating migraine before this election. Huge pockets of Americans watch only leftist news TV and they are getting shortchanged. This will further erode our economy and our culture if watchers elect only those they watch on TV.

Just call him President Hunter Biden

Just call him President Hunter Biden: But it's worse than just Jill -- the reports are coming out that it's Hunter now taking on the role of White House gatekeeper, shielding Joe from any exposure to the outside world, and advising him on matters of state and appearance. Hard-living Hunter, fresh from a felony conviction on a gun charge, is calling the shots now for the president of the United States.

The Hint of a Trump Landslide Appears

The Hint of a Trump Landslide Appears: Voters have had a look inside the Potemkin Presidency, and it is clear that many did not like what they saw.  Most were shocked by Joe Biden’s performance and his apparent mental decline.  Many were also angry at the White House staff and the news media for hiding Joe’s situation from the public.

The latest national post-debate polls show a definite movement in Trump’s favor.  The five-way presidential election polling average at Real Clear Politics has Trump up by +4.2 points, even though one-third of the polls were taken before the debate.  The three-way polling average at 538, which includes Robert Kennedy Jr.,  has Trump up over Biden by +2.3 points.